New York Post on gun verdict and police shooting


New member
The NY Post editors have written an <a href="">editorial</a> about the recent jury verdict on gunmaker liability in New York. They bring up an interesting point - by the logic of the verdict, Glock is responsible for the death of the unarmed man shot 41 times by NY police. I'll refrain from preaching to the choir.
It's hard to believe that the Editors of a NY Paper ALLOWED, much less wrote and Printed that piece. It's good to see that even in the Gun hating east there is some common sense. Maybe this will brinng some of the people to their collective senses. I hope.

[This message has been edited by Raymond VanDerLinden (edited February 16, 1999).]
Collective Liability. I'll have to look into that one. Going on what KAM posted earlier, can our politicos be held collectively liable for harm sustained by individuals who were denied their right to self defense?
wow! you mean that editorial came from N.Y.?
damn! that's mighty hard to believe, but there it was i saw it. i just can't believe i saw it. maybe there's hope yet.

fiat justitia
Raymond - the Post is VERY pro-individual rights, as is the Wall Street Journal. Most residents of NY are idiots, as you'll see in another thread I'm about to post...
Sent to:

I wanted to praise you for your recent editorial on the anti-gun trial
in New York.  Taking such a stance is couragous since being for guns is
not deemed "politically correct" these days.

The only flaw I could find in your editorial was the statement "No one talks about this aspect of making handguns less available."  In that you are wrong.  The NRA, the LEAA, and various other organizations have been
reminding us that an armed citizen is a less appealing victim for years. Below please find the web addresses of several organizations which defend our right to keep and bear arms.

Thank you for standing up for what is right.