New York City votes down a Gun Control Measure


New member
Rush Limbaugh stated yesterday that New York City residents voted down a proposed gun law (by a margin of 3 to 1) that would prohibit guns within 1000 feet of schools which is much more restrictive that current federal law. He also noted that it hasn't been widely reported (surprise).

Has anyone else heard of this vote?
Yeah, on GT and AR15.

Noo Yawkers actually have brains? Whodathunkit? ;)

"The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property, or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called in question.." Article 11, Section 13, CO state constitution.
Apparently it was an initiative or referendum, that contained a conglomerate of different stuff. The Liberal spin on its defeat is focusing on some of the other contents...allegedly one part dealt with some type of restriction on altering mayoral administrative policies, after an administration is out of office....hence the spin is that the voters took a shot at Giuliani

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
This is not what it seems to be. The proposed gun control measure was part of proposed changes to the city charter that would have among other things called for a special election for mayor should rudy G win the senate race. Rudy does not like the next politico in line to be mayor under the current law and wanted to insure he would not become mayor. The people of NYC voted to keep the current law, probably as a slap at Rudy G.

The gun control business was lumped in with this proposed change. Most of the Limo Libs in the city voted down the proposal due to the special election provision. Even though Rudy took out radio ads touting the gun control issues as necessary " for the children". The ads ran every hour monday and even were heard on the rush Limbaugh show!

NYC is still NYC, the next best thing to a true communist state.

Geoff Ross

Damn!...I need more practice!
Pi$$ off the left, register to vote.
Though one can never tell, the result of the vote in NYC, re firesarms, might be the result of voters there actually reading, and thinking about what was proposed.

Strange as it may sound, sometimes the voters do read and consider what is placed before them. It has been noted, and it might even be true, that when the people are allowed choice, they often make the "correct" choices. Maybe not all the time, but often.
I just cant believe anyone in NYC knows what is going on. ThAT place is long gone with the wind! I hear only the few elites and ,of coarse, gangsters, have a legal right to own pistols. NYC is the model of the Clintinistas antigun program.