New York City Help !


Hello, I am seeing if anyone here also knows about NYC and the rifle and shotgun section.

I own a ruger 10/22 ( currently located in long island ).

I tried to register it with a green form "disposition report / registration certificate"

I mailed it in as specified, and got nothing in the mail for two weeks. Local law here says that I must have a registration certificate otherwise the rifle is illegal.

So I called the dept, and was told that I cannot register the 10/22 due to it being sold with a 10 round magazine.

I assured the person that I have no such magazine as I know the law limits to 5 rounds.

The person said the rifle cannot be in the city and must be removed immediately.

NOW, the LAW is the LAW. semi auto rifles are allowed as long as they dont have any evil features. not even a pistol grip.

Ruger Magazines comes in all sorts of capacitys, 5,10,25, 50 etc.... The law says that it is illegal to posess a mag in excess of 5.

But to deny my registration? Are 10/22 illegal for NYC ? it makes NO SENSE.

Does anyone here know what a registration certificate LOOKS LIKE ? post a scan perhaps please ? Is it the same form I mail to them ?

I read that the certificate of registration if buying from a NYC Dealer is given right away along with the rifle or shotgun, but I buy my guns in long island.. what is that I need to do ?

Thanks for any help you can provide...
I am guessing that you purchased the gun from a store outside on NYC.

The Ruger 10/22 is banned in NYC. The gun is capable of holding a 10 round magazine.

I don't understand the logic of NYC bureaucrats-- I never will.. but thats how things are in your part of the world.

You have two options- sell the gun back to the store... or keep the gun OUTSIDE of the city. Many folks that live in NYC have houses upstate NY... they keep their guns at their upstate house to avoid all of the BS that you are currently going through.
yeah, I got the 10 22 out on long island.

The strange thing is, the law is that magazines are banned that holds more than 5.

rifles that takes magazines are not illegal.. I read the whole law. ! Oh well... I guess I just have to stick to what is available...

I wish I knew how I can lobby to change laws and stuff.. maybe I'll call the NRA and take up politics or something..
NYC makes up any law it wants. As long as it is anti-gun it passes. The rest of NYS doesn't matter because Bloomberg has his own island empire.

You can't seriously believe you could convince anyone to champion a 2A cause and win in NYC do you? If you believe it is possible then I have to wonder what NYC you live in. I live on Long Island an know that the NYC next to us will never loosen its gun laws unless the SCOTUS tosses them out.
Its horrible. I cant have jack squat ! meanwhile, the criminals are shooting each other with auto AK's.....

Baloney !

It is a hard call, but perhaps consider moving to a bit more pro-gun state? I know if Colorado stepped over some lines that I have drawn, I would look to move elsewhere.

Montana looks nice... :)
It is a hard call, but perhaps consider moving to a bit more pro-gun state? I know if Colorado stepped over some lines that I have drawn, I would look to move elsewhere.

Or simply across the county line and commute. Oh that's right, you hate to commute...

Seriously, this is the second thread where you have complained about the horrible laws in NYC. It is ONE CITY. It will not get any easier to own a gun there, probably worse unless the SCOTUS intercedes. While not great Long Island, Westchester, NJ and CT are better than NYC.

You hate to commute and you hate the laws you live under. Make a choice.
I feel your pain brother. Oh I didn't realize it was the same person posting this. Come on down to VA. That's where all the bad guns in NYC are coming from according to Bloomberg:rolleyes:.
I cant move yet. I still got some things to take care of.

I will go to philly if anything needs moving.

Thanks all you who replied and bless you all.