New Years resoultions got any?

Miss Demeanors

New member
I always say I am going to do something , but never make it. :) But this time I am really going to try and quit smoking, buy a gun, and one more thing that needs to be done.

How about all of you? :)

Happy Y2K! :)

We are as one as we all are the same fighting for one cause -Metallica
Hmmmm... I bet I know what that one more thing is. ;)

I'm going to finish my darn web site... order Eddie Eagle... and maybe add to our family? :)
In 2000 I plan to drop 25 lbs, save $1,000, read the Bible more, pray more, jog, and quit wasting all my free time staring at The Firing Line!!! :)


Nehemiah 4:18 " ... and each of the builders wore his sword at his side as he worked."
This year I WILL make the time to go to the range more and PRACTICE! PRACTICE! PRACTICE!

ff the 2nd. No fate but what we make.
I never make them because I never can keep them.

"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves againest tyranny in government" Thomas Jefferson
Well, I toyed around with the notion of quitting smoking, but I accidentally bought an extra pack of cigarettes. I'm smoking one right now. Oh well.

But I will be buying an AR-15 in Jan. or Feb.

So I guess I break even. :)
Will try to gain more weight am still a little shy of my 500lbs goal. Will try to add yet another rifle to my small collection got 11hours left to run it in kali I better get going to the gun store, see ya
G-N-R good to see you back.. As to the other,
I ought ot quit smoking, but I probably won't. I need to lose weight, but I probably won't. I'd have to see a $1000 before I could save it. So rather than making myself out a liar, I ain't makin' no stinkin' resoultions! :D :D

Yeah, I was about to start an exercise routine when I got hooked up to the internet and found this place. My wife thanks all you TFL'ers.

Hi GnR, where ya been? Missed ya.

Try to be more tolerant with the idiots I work with. That will be difficult.

Buy another 1911A1.

Buy more ammo.

Get Miss D. (and a few others) up to Michigan and turn 'em loose on a belt fed.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited January 01, 2000).]
1. Lose 30-40 pounds and get my butt in shape! Between my heavy breathing and pounding heartbeat, I couldn't hit crap at the range yesterday!

2. Buy two or three more guns (maybe four :)), and then stop. Yes, honey, I really mean that. Then I'm going to start into reloading!

3. Welcome my new daughter into the world in early March. That will be two of each, and that's it.

4. Get my rear end out of the Navy and move to Colorado for a nice reunion with my wife and kids who are already there living with my parents. My parents are really hoping that I keep this one sooner rather than later.

That's about it. If I get those things done, then the rest of it's all downhill.
Hi Longhair and JimV! Actually... I've been very bad. I've been lurking and not actually posting for quite some time. :( I remember the very first post I made here... and how afraid I was to hit that Submit Reply button... but so glad I did. ;) Heck, I felt so welcome, I even brought MissD over here! :) Sorry I haven't posted in awhile... my little one is learning to walk and he is everywhere! Been kind of ill for awhile... not able to be online as much as I used to.

OOOhhh... this reminds me... another resolution post more than lurk at TFL ;).
I'm gonna' try to cut down on smokin', and make more money so I can buy more guns. ;)

Screw the Anti's!!
Hooeee! Let's see here. I already quit smoking... After my heart attack. Great motivator, I must say. A week in the cardiac ward on valium and morphine got me thru the hard part, so I never started again!
Please quit! Don't do it the hard way... ;)

The only one I'm gonna make is the one I made last year: Give 10% of what I spend on firearms and related to pro-gun organizations. I commend this to all.
Happy New Year!

The Bill of Rights, and the Golden Rule are enough for civilized behavior. The rest is window dressing. Shoot carefully, swifter...
I'm simply going to donate even more time and money to the NRA and other pro-gun organizations. Until the end when my vote don't count and only ammo does!!See ya!!

From my cold dead hands.
I'm going to unload all of these magazines before the springs take a set. I just can't decide if I want to bust my thumbs or have a whole lot of fun!