NEW XR3 Ruger Grips Hunt

I've just come into possession of Ruger's 50th Anniversary Flattop .44 magnum. So far the results are not favorable and I am slightly regretting my purchase. It is a fine pistol; simply not for me.

Before I try and sell it I would like to test fire it using a more traditional style grip instead of the "gunfighter" style slimmer profile grips that came with it. Not knowing if I will be keeping the pistol, I'd rather not spend a large amount having grips made, so I am on the hunt for a more "Traditional" set of the New XR3 featuring something closer to Ruger's original factory contour, or any set of grips that could be easily modified to fit the New Model Flattop. If I shoot it and still don't like the gun, I'll not be out hundreds of dollars I'd have spent to make a new set.

I would appreciate a pm if anyone has a set squirreled away somewhere they're willing to part with reasonably. Thanks in advance.
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Not quite sure which grips came on your gun, the black plastic, or the faked rosewood grips?

But the correct term for that style of grip is XR3, incidentally.

Bob Wright

P.S. Altamont Grips has some Ruger grips pretty cheap. Probably about what you'd pay for a take-off pair of grips. Think they supply Ruger factory grips.
OP, are you talking about "grips", which it what everyone seems to be thinking, or are you talking about the "grip frame"?

You can order those fake rosewood grips either directly from Ruger, or from Altamont. They run around $60 I think. Be sure to specify you have the 50th Anniversary Flat Top when ordering. These are the same as the New Vaquero grips. These are a little thicker than the black plastic and should give you a better idea if you want to buy better grips.

There is nothing wrong with the Ruger/Altamont grips, other than I don't like them, preferring oil finished wood grips of real hardwood.

I reckon I'm a snob.

Bob Wright