New WY law proposed to allow concealed carry without license


New member

The new law introduced will be an ammendment to the existing statute covering concealed waepons. Basically, it says that if you DON'T have a concealed weapon permit already, BUT IF you would have met all the legal criteria to do so, then you can carry a concealed weapon anyway.

The way I see it is it's for law-abiding citizens who don't see the need to go through all the hoops to get a CWP, figuring they'll never need it, but then something changes abruptly in life and all of a sudden they do have a concealed weapon on them.

I haven't heard much public comment on it yet. The Legislature convenes tomorrow and will be in session for 40 days. I'm sure the press coverage will intensify soon.
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Given the Giffords et al. shooting in Arizona, I doubt the WY law will get much favorable support. Great idea, bad timing.
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I am very pro 2A but sorry, I support some sort of reasonable (2-4 hours) training at NO CHARGE for anyone who wishes to CCW. Just like boating, a drivers licence may mean you have the legal right to do something but it does not mean you will know how to do it correctly. Boating as an example, I went through an 8 hour course of my own free will and on my own dime. I learned the "laws of the lakes", rules and a lot of good general information. Every time I boat, I see people doing stupid dangerous stuff that has them and those around them inches from serious injury or death.

I think if you are going to take on the responsibility of potentially having to shoot a lethal weapon around tens or hundreds of innocent civilians you can take a 4 hour class showing some basic marksmanship and understanding of your weapon, of the laws and consequences of your actions.
If we had a national "Florida Style" law that did not cost you $100.00 every 7 years I would be happy.
I do agree with a lot of the points you raise Patriot. There are always potential downsides to increasing freedoms. There are risks to the safety of innocent persons when an untrained individual starts carrying a concealed weapon.

Of course, we already have the right to open-carry here without any kind of permit and that doesn't appear to invite goofy people to wreak havoc yet. And the other argument of course is that irresponsible people don't tend to abide by laws anyway.

Overall, even with some of the risks involved, I am in favor of reducing regulations on law-abiding people. Perhaps I am naive though.
I'd prefer that each state go Vermont-style, but this is a good outcome.

As a vermonter who has been residing in Tennessee for a number of years I can say there are pro's and con's to everything.

I can carry in VT with a TN permit, but I cannot carry in TN with a VT permit as there isn't one.

31 states recognise the TN permit without the ned for a non resident permit. I believe only Alaska recognises VT's, although I could be wrong.

That said, If all states were as clear thinking as VT....
A right with unnecessary restrictions isn't a right, but a privilege.

How about a special training requirement before signing up for an interenet connection? How about a government fee before you could choose a church? How about a background check before you could open a checking account or get married or buy books and magazines?

"Yeah, but wait a minute, Standing Wolf," someone's no doubt objecting. "People can get killed with guns, but not with books and so forth."

I submit readers of the Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf have killed millions more people than all the firearms owners in the U.S. combined.
I hope the law passes + it's a good start. I would think the recent transactions in AZ would only help the passing of the law and not hurt its chances
Sorry Patriot, but I disagree, there is no other Constitutionally guaranteed right that requires training, no journalism class for 1A, no literacy test for voting - in fact, I think that was tried a few years back...
No, AZ has it right, any person may carry concealed with no intent to commit a crime without a permit. Yes, Yankee Traveler, that includes you, too.:cool:
How about a special training requirement before signing up for an interenet connection?
Some days, I think I could get behind that one. :o

I've no doubt that someone will try to equivocate the tragedy in Tuscon with Arizona's liberalized carry laws, but I also doubt such arguments will carry much weight.

Good for the Wyomingites. Let's hope other states follow suit.
I am very pro 2A but sorry, I support some sort of reasonable (2-4 hours) training at NO CHARGE for anyone who wishes to CCW.

I disagree, RIGHTS do not need "training wheels" Just my .02

Good on WY, hope it passes, and spreads to other States.