New Winchester Model 70?


New member
Does anybody have any experience with the new Model 70? I mean the ones made in SC since the closing of the New Haven plant. What about the trigger? It seems more complex than the previous trigger that had been in use since the rifle was introduced before WWII. Any insight helps.
Not much help to you yet but I'll try. I found a very slightly used Extreme Weather Model 70 at a good price and just bought it home a week ago. I've not made it to the range yet (scope mounts I ordered have not come in yet).

The new style trigger is still an unknown as far as durability and other issues are concerned, but mine is quite good. I've not put it on a scale yet, but would guess the weight is around 3 lbs and it feels very crisp. The new triggers are supposed to be easily adjustable,but I plan to leave mine just as it is.

I personally trust the open trigger design on the old Winchesters and Rugers because they are easily inspected and cleaned. The new Winchester trigger is enclosed like the Remington. There is a lot of speculation that this design allows gunk to build up in the trigger leading to Remingtons that sometimes fire without pressing the trigger.

Only time will tell but I'm confident enough to spend the money on one and try it. Everything I've read from people who own them is very positive. I'm looking forward to getting to the range next week and finding out for myself.
Trigger is excellent, fit and finish is fantastic, most of the stocks on the Super Grades are pretty amazing.
My brother and I each bought one over a year ago. His seems to be doing quite well but my luck isn't so good. First rifle was replaced by the good folks at the service center in Morgan, Utah. Second rifle is there now. :( I've posted about it elsewhere so won't go into details here. PM if you need more info.
In spite of my experience I believe they have the potential to build a rifle equal to or better than anything Winchester ever built. I suspect I've just been unlucky to run across two that should have never left the factory and don't represent the rifle they're building now. I'm excited about eventually having a beautiful Model 70 that I'll be proud to hunt with for as long as I'm able to hunt. Customer service has been good so far and I hope to be able to post glowing range reports when this situation is resolved.
I have one of the newer mod 70's. Bought a .308 Coyote Lite. A solid .75 MOA shooter. Have not tried match grade ammo yet. This has been with hunting ammo. The trigger works as described. Absolutely no take up or creep. Then, it just breaks. Mine breaks at 4.25 lbs. Heavier than I like, but with no take up or creep it does not hinder my shooting this gun at all. Very happy with mine.
I have a lot of model 70s, pre and post 64s, it's my opinion the New FN Model 70 is the best of the lot, and I have some dern nice M-70s.