New website on the Calif. CCW court wars

Jim March

New member

The title says it all. This is about exchanging info on illegal, corrupt and unconstitutional discretionary CCW policies, focusing on California but applicable to other discretionary gun permit problems including NYC types, the "local signoff" on Class3 in states where it's theoretically legal, etc.

Included is the complete text of the suit I filed so far, a key legal precedent document and various links to the history of discretionary CCW revealing it's unsavory nature. So far I've got one article linked on the "lack of blood in the streets" in other states, I'm particularly interested in collecting more of these. I know there's good ones from Florida.

I could also use a good linked review of Lott's book..BUT:

WHAT I REALLY NEED is personal stories from California. I want to know about good people denied, I want to know about bribes asked for, politically connected folk that have 'em, zero-issue policies, etc. I need to collect info on the issuance policies of as many agencies as possible, eventually I hope to build huge charts exposing just who's doing what.

I WANT DIRT. I'm going to make ALL the BS public. California law enforcement has been treating people like slime in private, that needs to end NOW.

EMail me with your stories, if it's got your EMail address plus city and county I'm going to assume you want it published. If not we can do anonymous but I *urge* you to go public, it's a far stronger statement.

The site's a humble start so far but it's worth checking out for Salute vs. Pitchess alone. And it WILL grow - fast. It's in decent shape for something five hours old.

Jim March
Richmond, Contra Costa County California.
There's already an update - the City of Richmond Attorney's office is actually taking a reasonable tack, we've got a start at an agreement that'll fix part of the problem and a plan towards testing for "deeper issues".

See the update. If this works, my site will contain what amounts to a complete "information kit" to take to city and county attorneys so they can convince the brass to "straighten out and fly right" - without the pain in the anus of a lawsuit.

Jim March
You've got the tenacity of a bulldog. :)
I wish you the best of luck, although it looks as thogh you don't need it. You've definately got your ducks in a row.
Give 'em hell, Jim! You are a bit more tactful than me. I have always had a serious problem with cutting my nose off to spite my face. But look into attaining class action status just for the hell of it. Also, how about locating other Californian residents to file similar suits in their counties of residence?
Every legal mind I've talked to says "avoid class action". It's too big a crap-shoot, you get the wrong judge and we ALL sink on one case.

Better plan:

1) Find out what your Chief's policies are. If he *says* he's zero-issue, that in and of itself is illegal. He *IS* however allowed to turn over all CCW processing to the Sheriff so long as he doesn't have any permits out there himself - see also PC12050 section "G". If he tries to invoke "G" but still gives permits to a select elite few he's in gross violation of equal protection law. I had an advantage going in because my local paper had run a story saying Richmond PD has ONE permit outstanding. Get the verbal permit policies confirmed in writing if possible (usually isn't) or get a second resident to call and get the same info.

2) Once you have that, make an appointment to see your City Attorney. Take a polite tack to the effect of "Your city's top cop is breaking the law, he's a city employee, your town is gonna be subject to a flood of lawsuits unless this gets fixed and as a resident, I hate the idea of draining city funds on such an obvious point of law". As evidence, bring him the Chief's policies as you know them plus printouts of various documents all available or linked off of my site: Salute case text, the text of the "Update 3/26" which explains the issues pretty well, the text of my suit so they know what they can look forward to, and a couple of choice bits on the unsavory history of discretionary CCW, my faves are Clayton's masterpiece and the Detroit News article.

Take a friendly tone with the city attorney - have him talk to mine (the gent in the "Update" text).

IN THEORY all of this will work with County Attorneys and the Sheriff. In practice, the Sheriff is an elected official and NOT directly answerably to the County like a Chief is to the City.

Something else: I sued the County and Sheriff's department, right? I did NOT sue them over the actions of the Sheriff, I sued them over the actions of Lt. Wayne Willett! See, as "point man" for public contact in CCW issues he had a special responsibility to understand the laws on CCW and when he chucked me out of his office without letting me see a permit application, he broke the law. He did NOT call the Sheriff and ask what to do before booting me, he did it all on his lonesome.

Jim March
Jim, Does the web page always take forever to load? Or is it due to the time of night I attempted to check the site? (22:11EST)

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
I just noticed that myself. Hmmm...the guy that donated the space also donates host zones for Geoff Metcalf and other pro-2nd causes... is pretty slow too.

Hmmmm...first time it's happened, so with luck it's temporary. Oh well.

I just did some more updates, too.

Jim March
And now it's fine. Odd. Oh's free, disk space is limited only by my own politeness in not abusing a gift, can't complain :D. Seriously - thanks Mark, tiny glitches notwithstanding he's been a big help.

Jim March