New website for black powder shooters


New member
Hi everyone. I’m Mike Beliveau. I think it is safe to say that most people these days know me for my Duelist1954 YouTube channel where I shoot a wide variety of historical firearms at poor old Evil Roy.

I think it is less well known that I’ve been a gun-writer for various books and magazines for over 30 years. In that time, I’ve been the Black Powder Contributing Editor for “Guns of the Old West” magazine, I’ve been the Reloading Contributing Editor for “Combat Handguns” magazine and I’ve been the Muzzleloading Field Editor for the annual “Gun Digest” book. And I’ve written many articles for “Muzzleloader”, “American Frontiersman”, “Backwoodsman” and other magazines.

The reason I’m writing this post is to let you know about a new project I started a few months ago.

I’m proud of the Duelist1954 YouTube channel. We have over 60,000 subscribers, and I intend to keep that going as long as I’m breathing. But, video isn’t the perfect medium for everything. For a long time I’ve wanted to bring you content in other forms, that will complement the videos.

At the beginning of the year I started working on a concept to develop a website where I could present information of shooting historical firearms in a multimedia environment.

I wanted this site to be full of information in formats that you would enjoy using. I wanted to provide links to my YouTube video library as well as having, a section where I could present you with my 30-plus year library of magazine articles. In addition to previously published work I wanted the site to have a photo and video illustrated blog, where I could present you with original articles that you wouldn’t find anywhere else.

I hired a design team, and put them to work, and the result is, I think, pretty darned good.

I made the site live about a week ago, and since then I’ve been loading content. Every day I’ll be adding more. I really think that you, my fellow black powder shooters will love it

In fact, I’m making a huge bet that you will. I have spent several thousand dollars on this project. I don’t have sponsors, and you won’t see advertising. I have a merchandise store, selling Teeshirts and mugs. I’m counting on those sales to fund the website.

I hope you’ll take a minute and visit the site, and check out the content. If you like it, check back in every week, and you’ll see new stuff with every visit.

Thanks for reading this. Here’s a link to the website:
Good job, Mike - as always. I've been a total fan of your utube channel since I first encountered it.

I have a major caveat, though:

The white-text-on-a-black-background format is difficult for almost anybody to read, and ruinous to eyes older than adolescence. I really urge you to go to a black-on-white format like everybody else. There's a reason why it's the standard.

Please keep up your wonderful work, and thanks for your generosity in sharing it.
That's an impressive looking site, Mike.

The timing is excellent. I just heard from a friend who has inherited a reproduction Colt 1860 Army and who is getting into black powder shooting. I just sent him the link to your site. I hope he'll find enough to get started on the right foot.