New Web Page

Looks good, I do have one comment. I dislike pages that have music all the time, it's annoying when you're either listening to something you like, or are trying to think about what you're doing. :) An option to stop the music would be nice. I know there's a stop button on the stupid banner, but it doesn't work. The banner also covers up part of the web page, another annoyance.
You're right Harley. It will most certainly choke a Commodore.
One of the few advantages of being undercomputered...I don't do music or banners. :)

I do like it tho.

Thank you Sir.

Wev Comments

I shall endeavcor to work on these problems you have mentioned. Thanks for taking the time to evaluate for me

Page Corrections

Thanks for the input. I have changed the music to play only 2 sec'ds the banners a I can't do anything about. When the site is free one must put up with something. Again Thanks.

That's great, a couple of seconds isn't a big deal, it's just the continuous stuff that starts to grate on you. :) I have to scramble for my mouse to turn down the volume! :D:D
Web Page Cange

got rid of the bells and whistles. No more music, no more fade in fade out stuff. Loads considerably faster. Went from 1,165kb down to 745 kb. Should be more, cough cough, pleasing.

Harley:D :D
You're right, loads quite a bit faster now, that's nice. Now I can cruise through the gun models and see if you have any instructions for a couple of my odd-balls. ;)