New Web page about self-defense

cornered rat

Just a <a href="">quick rant</a>. My RKBA site also has a new image and several typos got eliminated.

Heads up on missing links, etc. would be appreciated.

If you believe in freedom and means of protecting might be a gun nut.
Great One! now if we can just get an ad like that into "Time", or "People". Not likely as it might wake some of the sleeping Sheeple up, and we can't have that can we?
BTW I live close to Missouri and listen to some radio in that state. There are several Law Enforcement Officer's Assn.s backing a CCW law to be voted on by the people. Things are looking up in some places. Iowa however with the new Democratic Gov. is unlikely to upgrade to a Shall issue law.
Great work!

Not sure if you were asking for proof-read, but just in case: there is a mis-spelling where "pepper spray" is spelled "pecker spray". Okay, just kidding...kinda, it is actually mis-spelled as "papper spray".

Just trying to help, you did a great job.

Thank you for the heads-up on typo...fixed that and added one clarifying sentence this morning. Also, <a href="" target="_new">one new picture</a> was added to my RKBA site. No, this story won't get into TIME, but I did put it in my regular site to try and get the fence-sitters.

[This message has been edited by cornered rat (edited February 26, 1999).]
cornered rat i just visited your site for the first time and was truly impressed. the layout, the info, and especially the photos.
i enjoyed it. good job :)

fiat justitia
You could refer people to my site or, in the case of various officials, just copy pertinent pages to a floppy and mail it to them. Or, if you need help with making materials for consumption by elected monkeys, let me know...I will try to make tham for you.

Oh, and for those who missed it...two light-hearted gun photos.
If you believe in freedom and means of protecting might be a gun nut.

[This message has been edited by cornered rat (edited February 26, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by cornered rat (edited February 26, 1999).]