New Voter


New member
OK I just registered to vote yesterday and the up coming elections I will be voting but I'm not sure with who is who and all that with senators and Representatives I will only vote for pro-gun candidates whare can I go to find out who is running for my area and who is pro-gun? I feel dumb asking this because I just dont know and im comfertable with asking questions hire.

so who is running for the 4th district (ohio) and who is running for 109th congress (ohio) is that right? im new to this:o
Most candidates have a web site. I would recommend going to the candidate's website and see what his platform is. This is a statement of what he is telling the voters he will do.

If he has a previous political history do some searches on the web to see how well he has supported what is in his platform of if this is merely something recent to get votes. Look for previous interviews in the past years, newspaper articles, ect.

You can always contact the campaign from the website usually. E-mail them and ask them. Look for a Yes or No answer. If the answer is not a definite yes or no then its something put out to appease you and possibly decieve you.

I have gotten back letters from my Senators or Congressional represenatives that were full of mush with no answer. You write your represenative a letter telling him you think our soldiers need a pay raise. He/She answers you back that he believes America needs a strong defense and he will support those things that make for a strong defense. You didnt get an answer to your question. There is no yes or no answer just an implied answer.