New Video - Tactical U Instructor Hits 10" Steel w/ Glock 26 Subcompact at 104 Yds!



Check out the video:

(Now if we could only figure out how to hold the video camera, we'll be in great shape.)

Come improve your shooting skills at our High Risk Concealed Carry Course, next Saturday at 8:00 a.m.
My first 'long range' handgunning was with a 1911 at 100 about 10 years ago. About an 8" group at that distance.

I took a local advanced handgun course in 2008 where I shot my G26 at ranges of 50-100 yds with no problems. We even had a few making hits with J-frames. We were shooting 3/4 scale silhouettes.

Suarez International routinely takes their advanced students out to 200 with handguns.

Nothing new here.
I use my 9mm Sig and .22lr Buckmark routinely on 4" steel swingers at 100yds... It's not that difficult once you practice a bit.
Years ago I helped with a bike officer school, of all things, where students fired at 100 yards, at night, with duty sidearms. This was not a firearms school for advanced shooters. The few students who didn't hit the target were the ones who didn't think it could be done.
Oh, smince? Those J-frames will surprise most folks. I amaze myself with my little 2" guns sometimes. Don't let anyone tell you they are not accurate. I'd put them up against a subcompact auto any day, even a few full-size ones.
We were shooting at clay pigeons on the ground at 100 yards with 22 LR rifles. I missed the last one. Since I had on a G-26 I took a shot.


No Take Two. Quit when you are ahead.

We also found that we could consistenly hit stuff we put inside a propped up tire at 100 yards with 9's, not the most techy or tough target but doable.

Also amazingly, we could hit an above the surface black hose for the ranch water system at long distances - without even aiming at it. How about that?
Also amazingly, we could hit an above the surface black hose for the ranch water system at long distances - without even aiming at it. How about that?

I don't know how many times I managed to shoot the electric fence wire in half from over 100 yards... :o
I saw it done at 200 yds with WWB 230gr. out of a Springfield Champion 4" I think the plate may have been 16" though. You can shoot pistols a lot farther than the most think. However making a 100yd pistol shot in combat is very unlikely unless the target doesnt know your there. The you can lob your bullets in there like 40MM grenades.
There was that Air Force SP that took out a shooter from something like 85yds with a Ruger.
It can be done.

I occasionally shoot a 12in steel at 100 with my commander sized 1911. I'm not that great, but I can usually get 3-4 hits out of a mag.
Wanna hear a crazy and true story, Look it up! (Not sure if this is exact but very close)
A -MEDAL OF HONOR WINNER-- In WWII won it for downing many Japanese planes. However, one Dogfight his aircraft was hit so bad he was forced to bail out. In those days that meant jumping out of your plane. Well he jumped and opened the shoot, but a Japanese Zero tried to strafe him with machineguns and thought he killed the GI as he floated down. The GI was looking lifeless so the Zero circled him to confirm. As it circled him the GI opened up on the top of the Zero's canopy with his M1911A1. The plane went down and the Japanese pilot was found with one 45cal bullet in his head. More luck than anything but :eek:.
I am not shocked a 26 would hit a 10 inch plate at over 100 yards.

My Glock 26, after using a sighting tool, is dead on at 25 yards for head shots in a IPSC target. I put 10 out of 10 in the head using 127gr Winchester +p+ (my favorite load.) I then repeated that with my 27 using Winchester 155gr JHPs (also my favorite .40 load.)

Took some time to get the sights right, using carry ammo (and it ain't cheap!)

The trick is to get those sights right on as for windage and then figure out just what hold over is needed.

The SP used a Beretta 9mm. I believe the shot was taken in a parking lot type area against some dope armed with a rifle.
Oh, smince? Those J-frames will surprise most folks.-me

I know very well they will.

It's hard to get sarcasm across on the 'net. ;) -smince

Uh-oh, hope everyone here can keep a secret. :D
I believe if you practice with a cetain pistol enough (Glock 26 in this case) its like an extension of your arm. I am not a Glock fan but not ignorant either and know they are good firearms. I am not suprised he hit that. The 9mm has an excellent trajectory and is a pretty flat shooter out to 100yds. With practice of the same handgun (or a couple) one can become very accurate. The furtherst I shot was when I was at a rifle range and had my Fathers 92FS with me. Standard WWB's 115gr. I think, I shot at 50yds at a 100yd rifle target. It was a long time ago, I believe the 1st 15 round mag I was all over the place but got a feel. I put up more targets and started shooting it again but slowly and got them in the 9-10 ring I believe. I shot a couple more mags and did pretty well. This is the best to recollection. Long range pistol shots are AWESOME. I would like to become more proficient with my 1911 45. Best I shoot accuratley and quickly at about 60ft. maybe 70ft. I got to try longer ranges and slower shots, with some peppy 45's.
I routinely shoot pistols out to at least 100 yards every range session. Yesterday I was shooting at a tomato paste can (the small ones) on a stick (could see a hit that way - can moves around) at 125 yards with a Ruger MKII 22/45 Target model, hitting it about 3 times per mag.

I practice shooting for accuracy. Another of my favorite seasonal targets are the white "puff ball" seed heads of dandelions. Hit them right in the middle and all of the white goes flying, miss the center and hit any other portion and only that section lets loose; lets you know where you hit.

What can I say, I am easily entertained!
I drilled a golf tee, just knicked it. It was an awesome 22 rifle bolt action very old I couldnt tell you the model but accurate as hell. From 150 ft. I set up the golf tee in a box so I could shoot it off hand. Open sights but they were beautiful. I couldnt actually see the tee but put a pepsi can behind it with the tee between the barcode. I shot for than and hit it, I was so happy. This was a while ago.
Way back when, my duty gun was a S&W M60 2", with 110g +p+ load (Winchester Q4070). Since I had the keys to the ammo bunker, I got in a lot of practice with that combo.
!00yard shots of about 8" group offhand were no problem.
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