New USPSA gun categories


New member
USPSA is adding two new gun categories that look very interesting, especially for older folks.
I haven't attended a genuine match in quite awhile, but these new additions do look attractive.
They are Carry Optics, kind of like Production with dot scopes.
And, surprisingly, a new pistol caliber Carbine category.
Even more Yes!
Check it out at
I applaud them trying to increase market share. We will see how it works out or if 3GN will succeed in taking over the entire action shooting segment.
3 gun matches seem to be way too complicated and expensive to be the default game for most of us.
More so even than Cowboy matches.
Very entertaining to watch and think about, but probably not all that realistic for the average shooter.
I agree, 3Gun and PRS are at the top of the mountain.

But, that is not what I meant. 3GN is rolling out pistol, shotgun and rifle matches, plus airsoft and a youth initiative. I don't ride on the 3GN bandwagon and I see some things I do not like with that group, however, the times are changing and a for profit group like 3GN is going to at least push IDPA, USPSA and others to change, or become irrelevant. USPSA announced PCC, I talked some with a person at 3GN and like 2 weeks later, 3GN had PCC. A for profit company is going to be faster to react to customer wants.
If they add them permanently, we have 8 divisions. Some local matches, everyone can get 1st or 2nd that way. :)

I think it is too bad that USPSA leadership did not listen to the revolver shooters and then ICORE started...then they went back and tried to fix it to no avail. I think it is too bad that USPSA leadership did not listen to the fantastic plastic shooters and then IDPA started...then they went back and tried to fix it, with some success. At least they will let the members decide, through patronage, if these new divisions will stay or go.