New Twist to Gun Control: Ban Guns to Protect Owners from their own guns!!


Yes, it is true. People are now arguing that the greatest threat that guns have to the general public health is causing the deaths of their owners via suicide. In fact, researchers are now claiming that the majority of the firearms related deaths in our nation are suicides.

So you see, the gun ban people are not being selfish or self-serving at all. They are only looking out for the welfare of gun owners, and want to spare them from the horror of a gun caused suicide. They only want to ban guns for our own good.

Don't you wish to be saved from death by your own firearms? According to this study, giving up your guns is clearly in your own best interest.

See this news story about this issue for further info:

For some odd reason, this story reminds me of the Novel "1984". What do you think of the logic of these arguments??

My thoughts:


Oh for crying out loud. Suicide as a reason for gun control? men are more likely than women to be successful at suicide (statistics learned as part of my training as a Residential Treatment Specialist. Fancy name for "works for peanuts"). If they intend to end their lives people are going to do it. Maybe ban poisons and detergents or drain cleaner. maybe battery acid or plastix bags without holes or shoelaces, kite strings, piano wire, etc etc etc ad nauseam. :mad: Had a manic depressant cousin who blew his brains out. I don't blame the guns for it. He had a whole day to figure something out. At least we know he didn't suffer.
IMHO Most suicides seem to be from means other then guns. Suffocation, bridge jumping, cutting, etc and so forth.

The only reason guns get so much notice is due to the "success" rate. Its kind of hard to screw up shooting yourself.
Its kind of hard to screw up shooting yourself.

No it isn't. Years ago in my city a guy tried to kill himself with a shotgun and succeed in blowing his head off from the nose up. The 911 operator could hear the guy begging his wife to tell him where he dropped the shotgun so he could finish himself. Another one a 18 year old shoot himself in the right temple with a .22. It skimmed along the inside of the skull clipping the optic nerves and rendered him blind but fully healthy otherwise. Matter of fact his friends walked him to the ambulance.

After 27+ years in emergency services if someone REALLY wants to kill themshelves they will find a way. The winner of most determined was a guy who used a garden hose into the car, took rat poision, slit his wrists and took a overdose of something. He wasn't dead but REAL dead.
I posted this elsewhere, but in response to the same CNN article.

"2002-2004 Data
Scottish men was 30 per 100,000 compared with 22.4 in Wales, 18.3 in Northern Ireland and 16.7 in England.

Per WISQARS data, the suicide rate for young men in the US during the same time period was 18.4

It is only legal to own guns in 1 of those countries.

People who want to kill themselves, will. Guns are but one means and are likely disproportionately chosen due to availability and ease of use. If guns went away, those who are determined would find another way. In the UK, hanging seems to be the popular choice. I'm glad that they aren't talking about rope control over there..."
Yes, it is true. People are now arguing that the greatest threat that guns have to the general public health is causing the deaths of their owners via suicide.

This isn't new. The Brady Bunch has claimed for years that guns in the home leads to suicide and murder. It's just a way to spin the "danger" of guns. Truth be told, if you want to off yourself, you'll find a way gun or not. See Japan and their rash of "chemical" deaths.

Its kind of hard to screw up shooting yourself.

Not at hard at all.

A friend of mine is a medic and showed up at a attempted suicide. The man in question put the barrel of a .357 handgun in his mouth and pulled the trigger. The round went up through his mouth but didn't kill him. When my buddy showed up, the gentleman was lying on the floor unable to see but very much alive. The gentleman then proceeded to beg my buddy to "Please, just put the gun in my hand and look away. I can't live like this." My buddy told, "I'm here to help you but I can't do that." The gentleman in question lived but never recovered his sight.

In fact, I'd guess it is much easier to screw up than you'd think. I won't even get in the .380 in the stomach suicide. It worked, eventually, and I'm going to guess dude thought it was a really, really bad idea after that gun went off.