New to Tucked IWB, Question About Magazine Carry

Tony C

New member

I have been carrying my 1911 IWB for years with a spare magazine in a separate belt clipped holder. Very recently I've picked up a Galco Kingtuck for my DW 1911. Here is my question:

It doesn't make sense to carry my pistol tucked and then carry my spare magazine on my belt. I have found myself simply throwing my magazine in my left pocket, which works but I don't think is ideal.

For those of you who carry with a tuck-able holster and a semi-auto pistol, how do you carry your spare magazine?

Thanks for the help,
They do make IWB mag carriers - CLICK HERE

Personally, I do not carry a spare mag with me. I have one in my truck, one in my briefcase, and one in the nightstand, but I have never carried a spare mag with me on my person. I know some may admonish me for it, but for a variety of reasons, I do not do it.
I don't usually tuck my shirt in over my CBST, but that's because I wear a jacket most of the time. IOW, I do tuck my shirt in, but I tuck it between myself and the holster. The jacket is usually the only thing covering my pistol. I could get an IWB mag pouch, but here's my thinking: If I need my pistol, and have to get past a tucked shirt to get to it, I'm already behind the eight ball. If I then have to get to my extra mag, I really don't want to have to fight my way past my own shirt a second time.

I use a kydex OWB mag pouch, but my magazines are black, the mag pouch is black, and it rides right behind a black nylon pouch for my Leatherman multi-tool. If I do have to tuck the shirt over my pistol (like if I go out to dinner after work), someone would have to be looking at my waistline pretty darn closely to pick out the magazine. If your 1911 magazines are silver, you may have to do some creative thinking to get them to blend in. You might consider getting something like a nondescript belt sheath like this? (This one is a Leatherman, but you get the idea.)
What I find handy is a Buck knife case, or other similar knife case to carry my extra mag.
Nobody takes notice of one of those on your belt.
I once had an eyeglass case that clipped onto a belt that would hold a double stack mag without being conspicuous
New to Tucked IWB...

Tony, you might also look a I just ordered one from the It is designed to be carried in your off hand front pocket and appears to be a clip for a pocket knife.
someone would have to be looking at my waistline pretty darn closely to pick out the magazine
Like the waiter. Always checking waistlines for the big eaters and big tippers.

To be honest, Spats is on the right track. If you have to take your shirt off, it might as well be in your glovebox or briefcase- so you're probably not using the best carry method available. At this point I'd start looking into ankle holsters, belly bands, and shoulder rigs with one of those fancy button downs with fake/magnetic buttonesque LOOKS in the middle from Browning.

Though I should also point out I only mention Browning Black Label because I have one and know for a fact they make one for you to see an example of. I'm almost as sure that other companies make the same gizmo with the same gadget.