New to the sport


hey all, new to the forum a few questions

I would like to get into comp. shooting steel, ISPCA and USPSA I currently own a Springfield Armory XD40, Sig P220 45 and a glock model 37 45 GAP, which of the three would be best to use in matches if any or should I just look into purchasing a match grade pistol?
Second, where is a good source to get a comp. holster, and mag holders I figured you guys could make a few recomendations. When I get into it I would like to run pistol, rifle, shotgun I think H ave those covered I'm plaining on using my bushmaster AR-15 and a remington 870 police model.

Any tips and sugestions would be much appreiciated
Your XD-40 will serve you well(if you shoot it well) in USPSA Limited 10. An STI will help you a little, but a guy at my club shoots a bone-stock G17 in production and usualy beats about half the open shooters and the limited guys. Lesson learned:it is not the arrow, it is the indian. That being said, I shoot a heck of alot faster with my STI open gun than I do with my G35 and that is after one use!

As far as 3-gun goes, someone else will have to help you with that; stuff gets kinda complicated when you have three different guns and you have to go with the highest division that any one of you guns can compete in.
since you asked....use the gun with the most mags....

First, don't buy anything (yet; relax, you will. First see what others use, as often they'll let you touch, or at least offer their opinion on what works. Often clubs have newcomer 'support teams' or mentors to help the transition. And folks can lend you gear until you are more knowledgeable and informed).

Check on the USPSA website ( for your local club(s).
Then go, watch, ask, listen, learn, join, compete, and enjoy.

Like we did....
