New (to me) Walther Free Pistol

Iron Man

New member
I have been looking for a competitive .22 for my club's target matches and stumbled across a Free Pistol for sale on another forum (and bought it). I never knew these things existed. It has an electronic trigger and striker. I am looking forward to getting it and trying it out. Anyone have any experience with one?

I fool around with a vintage, match-weary Hammerli 152 electronic free pistol. Scarily accurate; in fact I think no handgun is more accurate than a FP. But they also are about the most unforgiving pistols around. No mistake goes unnoticed.

Check The Wiring

I have one. They are very accurate but they had a bad wrap for electronic board problems. IMHO the problem was not the board but sometimes the wires got chaffed and shorted at the pivot point. It is a relatively high voltage system and it firing across a partial short caused the board problems. Good luck with your free pistol.

FWIW, they are called "free pistols" not because they cost nothing (!!) but because they are "free" of most of the rules and restrictions on pistols used for other types of competition. There is not much of that type of competition in the U.S. and the guns are scarce here. But they are quite simply the most accurate handguns ever made for target competition.

And no, I don't know anyone who makes a fast-draw holster for one.

Free Pistols

As Jim stated, they are made for an event pretty much "free" of restrictions and there are few rules. Free pistol or what is called 50 meter pistol, is an Olympic event that is about as close to a pure shooting event as you can get. You can literally get yourself some regulation targets, a .22 pistol, and you can very closely see how you would do compared to the best shooters in the world without any other equipment needed. While a built free pistol is a help, a very good friend of mine finished second in an Ohio state championship match with a High Standard Victor so it is not all equipment.

If you want to see how good you are, give it a try even at your local range if you can't find a match. It is a challenge. This is my current pistol.
That would be fun to try. I'd like to talk my local range into getting one to rent out. Also one of the Olympic Anschutz rifles.

Does anyone remember a semi-auto pistol that looked like a hacksaw (the barrel where the blade of the saw would be) that was banned? It kind of looked like a regular .22 semi but upside down so that the barrel was inline with the bottom of your arm and the recoil, such as it was, came straight back into your arm. It was incredibly accurate and fast but not very practical. The gun was eliminated from competition and it might have been the 'box' test that did it.