New To Me - Taurus Model 94


New member

Picked this up today. Won it on GB at a pretty reasonable price. Taurus Mosel 94 with box and all original papers. Looks like it sat in a safe it’s whole life.
Very fine looking 94 you have there.

Using snap caps and dry firing that puppy several hundred times (not all at one sitting, lol) will smooth out and lighten the trigger pull a bit.

94s are great little revolvers.
Have one just like it. Bought it used almost 20 years ago. FINE little 22. But you will wear a blister on your trigger finger if you do a lot of double action trigger pulling. On the down side, different late model Model 94, the trigger pull was really dreadful. Had a failure of the crane screw at the frame. Un-repairable. Been at Taurus TWO years awaiting replacement. When received it immediately goes up for sale. My old stainless 94 will stay until the "will is read".
Wishing you "great" performance

I am reluctant to reply to your post but feel I need to mention some points to check. ..... :rolleyes:

I use to own this exact model and yes, it is an early issue as it has the wooden grips. Check the following points and if you are happy with it's performance that that is what counts..... :)

1) Check the "clocking" on the front sight.
2) Check the timing.
3) Check the trigger pull as they have a reputation for being heavy.

Be Safe !!!
I am reluctant to reply to your post but feel I need to mention some points to check. ..... :rolleyes:

I use to own this exact model and yes, it is an early issue as it has the wooden grips.

I've seen those grips going for a pretty penny on Ebay.

Check the following points and if you are happy with it's performance that that is what counts..... :)

1) Check the "clocking" on the front sight.
2) Check the timing.

(Insert usual caveats about Taurus here.)

3) Check the trigger pull as they have a reputation for being heavy.

That's something I hear very consistently about the Taurus .22 revolvers. I've seen speculation that the hammer is lighter than it should be, and a heavier spring was used to compensate. Still, though? These things have been made for decades.
Mine was bought new about eight years ago. The grips are rubber, not wood. The trigger out of the box was atrocious.

Wolff makes a spring kit for the smaller Taurus revolvers. The listing on their web site doesn't include the Model 94 as one of the guns the kit fits, but the listing in my older Wolff printed catalog does, so I bought the kit and installed it. It replaces both the hammer spring and the trigger return spring. The kit made the trigger on the Taurus "tolerable." That said, the trigger after installing the spring kit was still worse than the trigger on a new Armscor M200 out of the box.
The trigger on this gun is a little heavier D/A than some of my S&W revolvers, but better shooting S/A than most of my S&W’s. Maybe I lucked out, but it not the nightmare trigger everyone talks about
My 94 a few years was an "understudy gun" for a few years. After dry firing with snap caps as posted earlier the Taurus 94 worked well. I have other Taurus center fire revolvers and the savings in ammo was immense.

I now use the Taurus 990 and 991 for the understudy and fun guns though I've been looking to take the 94 out for a spin.
I used to sell those early 94's back in the 80-90's when I was a dealer. The early ones had a firing pin that would strike at 6: O clock and those had light hit problems on occassion. Taurus changed to a 12: Oclock FP position and that helped with the problem but they kept the trigger pull up in the 12 lb range so as not to get the fail to fire send backs. I found there is some wiggle room for lightening the DA pull but not much since most of the guns have just enough end shake in the cylinder so as to cushion the FP blow. If your particular revolver has like next to zero end shake, you can re spring the gun to maybe a 10 lb DA pull. Still a nice little gun, I still own one of the 12;Oclock guns.