New to me S&W 640-2

Trooper Joe

New member
Just picked up this nice 640-2 made in 1997 (according to S&W a couple years before the dreaded Hillary lock).




Started doing some research on this gun last night and am really excited about what I stumbled onto. Found out the following::

• This model was an approved weapon for NYPD only their's were a matt finish (I like this finish better).
• This is a "J frame/magnum" (allegedly the same frame as the S&W .357 issue of this gun)
• The cylinder measures 1.593" in comparison to my 1974 model 60 which is 1.532" and my 2017 model 60-15 .357 which is 1.591 This would support the comments that this is the same as their .357 mag frame.
• Has "Uncle Mike's" boot grips issued. I at first swapped them out when I got home and then found that these came from the factory with them.

When I picked up this gun at the dealer, I at first was not going to buy it. However, after I dry fired it, I found it had the absolutely smoothest DA trigger I ever felt on a S&W revolver.

After the dealer dropped the price to $400, which included the factory box and papers, it had to go home with me.

Little heavy for a carry gun, but I plan on using it with a holster when I am hunting in Michigan (no I am not hunting with it but I like to carry a side arm when deer hunting).

Just found some hard to get and highly recommended Speer Gold Dot LE Duty 38 Special Short Barrel Ammo 135 Grain +P Jacketed Hollow Point, and have two boxes of 50 rounds each enroute as we speak.

This is going to be a great addition to my S&W collection.

Trooper Joe
Congrats. A lot of those '90s J-frames came with Uncle Mike's grips.

Here's part of S&W changes I saved (when it was available on Google):

Engineering and production changes:
640 1989 Introduction, 1993 disc 3”, 1994 UM's boot, change extractor
640-1 1996 Change to .357 in the J Magnum frame
640-2 1997 Reintroduce in .38 Spl for NYPD
640-3 2003 ILS on .357
640-4 2003 ILS .38 SPL only
Took the 640-2 to the range today. Shot this group at 15 yards, with some 158 grn standard pressure ammo. Later I tried some of the Speer 135 +P in the gun it was very smooth shooting.

Very happy with this gun.


Trooper Joe
However, after I dry fired it, I found it had the absolutely smoothest DA trigger I ever felt on a S&W revolver.

Mine, purchased new in 1996, does have a smooth da pull but a very heavy one (typical with J-frame revolvers having coil mainsprings in my experience). My wife has difficulty pulling the trigger on this revolver.

My favorite grips for J-frame revolvers is the Herrett "Shooting Ace". I have these grips mounted on all of my J-frames but, unfortunately, the last I heard is that the Herrett company is no longer in business. Hope what I heard is wrong.