New to IDPA


New to IDPA What would you buy to start out Gun, Holster, Belt, Etc I have a 1911 but not a real good one. Just want to buy the whole set up at one time.
You have a 1911. Does it work with ball ammo? Yes?
Good, you now have the "right" gun for the game.

Do you have a a sturdy pants belt?
Good, you now have the belt for the game.

Do you have any sort of strong side holster the covers the trigger guard of the 1911? if yes then..
Good, you now have the right holster for the game.

You do not need magazine carriers as you can use a pocket but you do need at least two spare magazines.(see below)

The most important item you need is to have and have read the rule book.
Highlight the items, if any, you don't understand and ask questions at the match.(You can download the rule book from the IDPA web site-

It's a safe bet, the regular shooters will lend you mags for the match and maybe other stuff.

Bring a good attitude and safe gun handling habits and you're set to go.
You can get a new glock, sig sauer, beretta, springfield, or whatever gun you want.
(Just looking for a plastic holster)
Mag Holders:
Wilderness 5 stitch instructors belt
Cover Garment:
Must cover the gun when it is holstered from front, side, and rear.
Safety Glasses
Ear Muffs

I think that is it, people will probably give you other stuff too though. that is a start.
What Lion suggested will save you money in the long run because often what is suggested by another shooter may not work for you. Most guys will lend you stuff or at the very lest let you try it and you can get some hands on experience that will save you some wasted purchases.

I have a very large box of holsters, magazine pouches, and speedloader holders that I accumulated over 12 years of trial and error. There are times I know I should have waited to buy something until I tried it from another shooter. Sometimes I look at that and just shudder at the money invested in the box. ;) Of course new shooters at my club benefit from it because much of that ended up in our "loaner" box for new shooters so I guess good can come from bad from time to time.

Only thing I could add if you have no holster at all the don hume JIT slide at twenty bucks is IDPA legal and works very well. I have a 2nd place trophy from the 2000 nats I won using that cheap but effective holster.
