New to C and R - 5 questions


I am sure this has been asked, but I could not find the answers. I am new to C and R, and am looking for clarity. Here is what I need, if anyone knows...

1) If I were to have gotten my C and R on Jan 1 of this year (2021), and I had already owned several 50YO+ rifles that are in as-made condition, would I need to list the items I already owned in my binder?

2) If I purchase a 50 year old item that has been rearsenaled (e.g. a Civ Marksmanship Program M1 Garand rifle that was rebuilt with new and old parts, and was reparkerized) AND if I completed an FBI background check to get the item, do I also need to list that in my C and R binder?

3) If I have my C and R for 10 years, and several of my 41 year old rifles now are 50 years old, do I need to include those in my binder?

4) If I purchase a C and R rifle interstate from a private seller, do I need the Driver's License number for the binder?

5) If there a national law practice or an association that has reputable and trustworthy case law and updates on C and R rules? I am reading forums, but what I want is an attorney or a practice that puts out a newsletter on the topic, or an association (I am a member of Gun Owners of America) who puts out C and R updates. Anyone know of a source? I want a quarterly C and R legal newsletter to keep me updated.

Thanks! I am excited to learn the answers!
1. No. You will only need to log it in when you log it out of your collection.
2. You do need to list it if still C&R.
3. No...see #1.
4. Not specifically, but you should include name/address/FFL/or other specific identifiers.
5. Not that I know of.
Hey Johnny, thank you! I have this fear that at any time, the ATF will come to my house, knock on my door, and demand my C and R book! I know this is not how it works, but I wish to do things right.

So, what I am seeing is that you only need to log an item AFTER you transfer the firearm out of your ownership? I thought you needed to log them as you receive them.

Thanks. This helps me.
I am so sorry I am being slow on this.

So for items I bought using my C and R, I list those when bought.

For any other item that would be considered a C and R (50 years old or older) which I already owned, for those I would log those in and out at the time of sale.

Am I tracking correctly?
Yes. While you have a C&R, any new qualifying guns have to get logged in and out in a very timely manner. Anything you owned pre-C&R only has to be logged in when disposed of.
jonnyc said:
2. You do need to list it if still C&R.
In this case I would absolutely ignore the "Original Military Configuration" crap. If it fits any of the three categories (Primarily #1, 50 years or older) put it in your book.

CFP said:
So for items I bought using my C and R, I list those when bought.
See stuff like this a lot on various forums. You do not use your license, you are licensed. This was included in that packet of crap they sent you:

478.125(f) Firearms receipt and disposition by licensed collectors. Each licensed collector shall enter into a record each receipt and disposition of firearms curios or relics. The record required by this paragraph shall be maintained in bound form under the format prescribed below. The purchase or other acquisition of a curio or relic shall, except as provided in paragraph (g) of this section, be recorded not later than the close of the next business day following the date of such purchase or other acquisition. The record shall show the date of receipt, the name and address or the name and license number of the person from whom received, the name of the manufacturer and importer (if any), the model, serial number, type, and the caliber or gauge of the firearm curio or relic.

If you buy or sell a firearm that is a C&R, you log it in your book, even if it is on a 4473.