New Threat to the Public: AirSoft Guns!!!


Grave concerns are being raised about Air Soft guns. It looks like restrictions on them may be needed, according to those interviewed in these news stories.

"I think they are unreasonably dangerous," said Stephen Teret, founding director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research.

Here are the news reports:

Airsoft isn't the problem from reading those 2 links. The problem is STUPID KIDS!

If you want to play airsoft rambo...don't draw attention to yourself (and break the law):rolleyes: by breaking into a freakin' school to do it. How retarded can you be?

Another example of how a few " Penile Craniums" can mess things up for everyone. Do they really think banning them will do anything to stop kids from acting like idiots? Geez.:rolleyes:
I'm not talking about the question, 'Should kids play with guns?' The issue is why you would make the guns so realistic that even a trained policeman can mistake the gun for a real gun."

Maybe a better question is, "why is little Johnny dumb enough to break into a school to play airsoft?" or "why is little Billy stupid enough to point an airsoft gun at a cop?", or "why is little jimmy stupid enough to use an airsoft gun to commit crimes like robbery, assault (driving around shooting people)?"

could it be yet again the object is not the issue, but that it's the stupidity and/or criminal activities of the person holding it? Naw, Johnny, Billy, and Jimmy were little angles, and were trying to turn thier lives around when they were shot and killed. Where's my assault lawyer.......
It's The Stupidity

I agree that it's the stupidity. Kids that are smart enough, <read dumb> to break into a school are smart enough to know better than to point anything that even resembles a gun at an officer. There have been many models that were made in bright dayglo colors to help distinguish them from real firearems however some of the BG's in Houston where I am from thought it would be great to hide their weapons in plain sight by painting them bright dayglo orange and or lime green like their plastic counterparts. Cobra comes along and makes matters worse by mass producing a firearm in "Regal Blue" which looks an auwful lot like a blue plastic airsoft or airsoft wannabe. In the end it comes down to stupidity and operator error. I don't think they can actually make laws that will control or prevent stupidity.

Just my two cents.
Same thing was talked about with paintball guns ten years ago. Sells a few papers, but anyone with any sense comes to the same conclusion we all are.
When I was growing up, my household had one gun...a very old and slightly battered 30-30 hunting rifle. My father was not fond of guns, choosing to substitute such with a camera that he would aim at woodland creatures and fire away any time of year, no special permit required...he could even carry concealed. My younger brother and I were taught from the beginning that we were never to aim a gun at a person, whether or not it was a "Toy". I suspect strongly that these kids were not taught the same thing...mores the pity.

I purchased some of these "Airsoft" guns a while back thinking they might be fun to plink around with. I recently commissioned them to show my new wife the basics of responsible firearm handling. That's all I really found them useful for. I could have done the same witha stick, and it would have been less costly...

Same thing was talked about with paintball guns ten years ago. Sells a few papers, but anyone with any sense comes to the same conclusion we all are.

True, but now we have the Democrats back in control of both houses of Congress.

Frightening to think that some people actually want to have them banned. They are just toys!

It's the idiots carrying them. We have damn near had to shoot two 'kids' because they were carrying a BB Gun and on separate occasion and AirSoft. I don't know what some of these people are thinking. We played with guns (although they did not look quite as real) all our lives and NEVER did I ever once think about carrying it into a mall or anywhere else and pretending it was real.

I can't imagine the way I'd feel if ever having to drop a hammer on someone with one of these and then finding out it wasn't even a real gun. Just pray it doesn't come to that.... for everyone.