New Target Rifle -for Target Shooting +100 yards


I am in the market for a new target rifle for target bench shooting.
My budget is 1000-1500 USD for the rifle.
Thinking of standard ammo calibers such as 243 or 308.
Local gun FFL gun at range has a recommended list but looking for opinion on these options or others in my target (non pun intended) budget.
a) Looking at Ruger Precision Rifle 243 or 308 . Just shot my friends today. It is a good gun and accurate. Customization will be limited.
b) Remington Precision with Tactical XCR Long Range in 308
c) Savage Tactical FCP McMillan in 308

b and c are customizable.

I have a savage model 11 in 243 and it shoots very well . My Remington 700 hunting 270 is somewhat accurate but more ammo fickle.

I am missing something in my search for an accurate long range high power rifle?

Recommend .223. Less recoil. Easy to feed. Easy to reload. Generally less $ for ammo. Good bullets will take you 600+ yards.
Buy a Colt AR15A4 (or equivalent). Float the barrel. Put in a Geissele trigger. Add a National Match hooded rear sight.
And under budget.
Like others have said, if you are target shooting, the .223 is a great option for distance out to about 600 yards and with practice, skill and the right ammo, out to 1K. I'd stick with a bolt gun though if I were you.

If you must have a larger caliber, the RPR in .243 would be my recommendation. They are actually highly customizable. Easy to rebarrel too.
Since the new Ruger Precision rifle came out I've been studying everything I could find to read about them.

In my research I've come across a lot of info on the Ruger American Predator . I'm only interested in the 6.5 Creedmoor. From what I've read the Ruger American Predator in 6.5 is just as good as the PRS.

From what Ive read from those who shoot PR Matches, they are re-barreling the PR. If that's the case you can re-barrel the Ruger American, adding a match barrel and have a rifle just as good at about 1/3 - 1/4 the price.

Some of what I read tells me the Ruger American Predator is accurate without changing the barrel.

I would have to go with the 6.5 CM, sent my wife to a Long Range Shooting School and they had her using the 6.5, she was impressed so I don't get a choice.

The 243 is an excellent choice, but she already has a 243 (which she shoots quite well). She figures (correctly) that the 6.5 CM would be a better elk round.

Anyway, do some research before you buy. I think, if you have a 243 anyway you might want a 308. The 308 is my number one target round.

Nothing wrong with using Google, don't cost anything and doesn't take much time. Beats ending up spending money on something you wont be happy with.
My take based on reading reviews posted online and more formal written reviews on paper or the web is that the Ruger Precision may deliver 3/4 moa.

The American may 'seem' better becasue they sell a lot more and you hear about the exceptional shooters more than the rule shooters. My gut feeling is, no difference and the RPR is all about marketing black gun gimmicks and your dollars are not for higher accuracy. To clarify, my guess, the Ruger American is just as good shooting as any other Ruger offered.

I recently made a purchase with accuracy off the bench as a big part of the choice and ended up with cz varmint. I get, honest 5 shot groups under 1/2 inch at 100 yards with factory 223 ammo. What ever you buy, there are few with accuracy guarantees and don't know any that promise 1/2 moa. It is a beautiful traditional wood stock gun. Cz also offers some trick stocks for bench or competition.

It all a big gamble and so many choices. I had mine narrowed down to savage, sako and cz and three price points. Got a lot credible recommendations for Tikka. The Savage and RPR are not much to look at. I dont trust Remington to make a box of gun wipes these days, certainly not a gun. I do think you get a lot for the money with savage and it is not fluff like the RPR. Two guys, same day, at my club shooting 1/2 moa savages from cabelas with 308 reloads. Low cost accuracy.

(I forgot to mention, these Cabelas savage guns were something like $400 on sale. Another stated all the savages are basically the same. I belive that too. The extra cost models are cosmetic, all the same guts. They do make the occasional lemons. Not very often, but it happens. I think that gun was the 12FV $379 )

Edit: I want to credit (thank you) MarkCO for an informative post. I did not know Savage and Ruger American both used the same barrel attach! And you can buy an improved ruger collar nut (if that is the word, barrel nut). This means they both use steel beds in the stock, accu-triggers and barrel bolts. That is some what of an industry consensus.
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.223 is certainly good for 300-400 yards. Not the best choice for 500 or better. .243 is probably a good choice, but I am not sure it is a common target round. .308 is always a good choice, but you will have to deal with a lot more recoil.

As for specific rifles, perhaps the Savage model 12. An excellent, off the rack, .223 target rifle, without much "customization" needed, usually.

I have a couple of Savages. One, I just got not really a "target" rifle.....but you'd better not tell it that. It's a model 10P-SR. A "tactical" rifle in .308, with an 18" bull barrel (for cryin' out loud). That stupid little rifle will literally put them all into one hole at 200 yards.....and is almost that good at 300. No "customization".....just hand loads....and using a 4 -12X scope. I have a friend, a much better shot than I, who just the other day, shot 3 5-shot groups with it, back to back. The LARGEST one was just about 7/8" - at 200 yards.

With a proper target scope (and a good shooter like him).....who knows ?

Lots of good choices out there for accurate rifles.
Savage 12 Long Range Precision in 6.5 Creedmoor. List for $1200 and looks like a real nice trigger upgrade. That is a lot of money for a savage.

The savage 12FV is on sale at cabelas right now for $379. It should shoot with the exact same accuracy (same gambling odds). You can swap out the trigger spring. Same 26" barrel. Simple 308 has 1:10 twist. Heck, you could even swap the barrel someday and still be way ahead of the game. Dollar wise.

I think, you are missing a bet not to look at CZ. I shoot factory loads the equal of handloads in Savage. In addition to beautiful classic wood stock guns, they also have all the plastic gimmicks, aka precision/tactical junk that anyone could ask for. Once again, it is all cosmetic. Anything from 223 to 340 lapua.

Cool (?) stuff:

Heavy varmint:

Or for beauty and performance, check this out:
What kind of +100 yard Target Shooting?
The Ruger Precision Rifle is too new. Wouldn't even consider one in .243. .308 or the 6.5, maybe. Very top of your budget range too.
The Remington Precision is just a flavour of M700. Also above your budget. So is the Savage.
The Savage 12FV is on sale at Cabela's is the same rifle.
"...b and c are customizable..." Everything is customizable.
If you don't own an AR, I would get one, or three, while prices are low and there are plenty available.
OK, While this is not my cup of tea, the best top of the line Tikka falls in the price range. Under $1500 at europotic. All bells and whistles associated with tactical.

These guys have a good reputation for quality and accuracy. I have no experience beyond what I hear. I believe you will get your money's worth from these guys, even with this model. Just on faith. More than the Ruger Precision.


Sorry about the LH photo, the last pic was too big.
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Are we talking competitive shooting or just for fun? At 400 yards a .243 is an easy choice. I haven't shot at a range that far but I have at a deer once. Aimed about 6 inches high and hit where I wanted. I think a .25-06 would be pretty impressive. But at 400 yards any typical rifle round will do. Thanks to the AR crowd .223 and .308 are cheaper. I say stick to basic rifles. Something like Savage 110, Ruger American, or Remington 700. But there's others, I suggest buying used. You'll never know what you might find.
Seriously for a little more money, sako makes a great gun. It is the same company as Tikka. They have fast/smooth 3 lug bolt with control feed, real bottom metal, not plastic. I would love to have one of these:

308, with 1:10 class act all the way


If you have a $1500 budget, spend it on quality and not plastic gimmicks. At least that is my take. Buy precision machining and finish or like so many have suggested get the identical same rifle without the market hype for 1/3 the price and save the cash for another day.
The Tikka T3 Sporter fourbore recommended (in .223) is exactly the rifle I was going to recommend for the OP's purpose. Tikkas are renowned tack drivers. On top of that, their actions feel like they're on ball bearings, and they generally have very good triggers from the factory. I've been very impressed with my CTR.