New Target Idea


New member
I make my own ipsc/idpa targets at work on a cad cutting table

But I have noticed that with some , especially newer, shooters, they tend to focus on the whole target instead of the COM

Especially as distance increases...not having an aiming point becomes problematic.

So I came up with this idea....removable white inserts...they just pop out.

They provide an aiming point as well as a replaceable impact zone...

Kind of like some of the foam bow targets.

You can always leave out the inserts or switch back to regular targets as they increase in skill.

I would be interested in any feedback on how I might improve them...


    89.5 KB · Views: 368
Not a bad idea


It doesn't seem like a bad idea. My concern would be the thickness of the foam in order to ensure it doesn't pop out from the impacts.

We worked with MGM targets to produce a new steel target called a "Negative Steel" target. Pretty much the same concept only it is not replaceable and made of steel. They work great and we pretty much have gone to them exclusively in our advance courses.

Keep the juices flowing. ;)

Thanks Jeff

I appreciate the input

The White part is actually corro as well...just single ply while the main body is double.

I think it will stay in pretty takes a bit of a push to pop it out.

I went with a one-to-one slop...we will see this weekend

I would much rather have it in steel...except for the weight!

I tend to gravitate towards the unimproved shooting areas :)

Gotta hump my targets!

My two MGM speed Plates are heavy enough...

Take Care

:rolleyes: Neat idea! It sounds like a winner. In order to save myself a lot of taping, I'll often slip a sheet of white paper underneath a used target that is full of holes. From 100 yards away the old bullet holes just disappear in the scope; and I can get through a typical shooting session with only a dozen targets, or so. Personally, I can't think of a better material than just plain easily replaceable paper.

We do, however, have a 300 yard silhouette target at one of my gun clubs. It has a 12" steel gong in the center. Whenever you hit it, it sounds off loud enough to hear from the firing line. It's been up there for months, now; and seems to be still going strong. ;)
I like the idea of the removable center but think that it needs to be the same color as the rest of the target. We need to train to pick up center mass in relation to the silhouette. For beginners as you suggested the offsetting colors will help orient them. I did a steel target with a moving center. Originally it was white now it’s the same color as the rest of the target.
Exactly Scott

You can start them with the white.....

Then transition by turning the centers over to expose the brown

This leave a shadow line around the squares

Then.....transition to plain targets

But I think it helps keep them from focusing on the whole target at first
another look at the removable center

if you have some sort of track that runs horizontally on the back of the target instead of the removable target popping out you can slide it out from behind and replace instead of it accidently popping out
For cardboard IDPA targets, we do something similar to the one in the initial post and simple remove the perforated COM (-0 circle) with an Exacto and then just put it back in slightly rotated from the original position and the slight irregularity of my cutting means the circle won't be perfect and the imperfections are what end up holding the circle within the target.
Having experimented

The squares do not fall out

And yes....that experimentation included actually hitting the white squares! :D
Since I have way too much time on my hands ...not!

Had a wild idea to set up targets at a lot of different ranges...wonder where that came from????

Didn't have enough stands to do it all at once

I managed to came up with a standalone target.

Worked great...especially since there was 4-5 inches of fresh snow at the range.

I left my stands and furring strips in the truck!

Very stable...if there was a breeze, a rock placed on the lower flaps should keep it in place!


  • standalone.JPG
    108.4 KB · Views: 74
Stand Alone looks great

That is a great idea for targets especially the standalone with the interchangeable inserts. I'd definitely buy them! How well do they stay up when underfire?? If you decide to sell some let me know I'd like to buy some.
