New SWR Omega performing at Blackwater...

Rob Pincus

New member
I just got back from a SWAT Mag assignment at Blackwater where a classmate was using a new Omega suppressor during a precision rifle course. He put up a couple of video clips that I shot for him:

The rifle/can combo performed very well out to 1000 yards. No BS. Although a fa couple rifles in the class were not able to hang or ran out of scope adjustment before we got there, his went the distance...quietly!
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I had the opportunity to sample quite a few suppressor/ammo combos over the past several months and this thing was unbelievable. And not just for 10 shots.. he shot the thing through the WHOLE COURSE... 3 days, about 220 rounds ranges out to 1000 yards, in 30 degrees of temp variation, etc, etc. It kicked the butt of the previous "best .308 set-up" I had ever heard which was a 24" integrally suppressed custom job using that fancy (and EXPENSIVE) machined brass with the reduced internal dimensions.

Heavy duty thumbs up for this one (and the EBR subsonic (reasonably priced) ammo).