New Stoeger deluxe coach gun in 12 gauge.


New member
Bought one yesterday afternoon and test shots are fantastic.

A bit of background, a gang has started visiting my area. I've now had two encounters; an armed confrontation at my front yard and a drive by that involved them yelling at me that they "we're back."

It eventually went up to four involved; the big guy who started to jump me literally sneered at my glock. Seriously. he smirked and asked me "Are you really ready to spend the rest of your life in prison for killing a 17 year old?" Nothing more needs to be said about that, since he was obviously 20-30 years old and a big, bad man thug who was ten feet tall and bullet proof.

In any case, after that, I will not leave the house without a handgun, and I have been walking out the door with a rifle anytime I had reason to at night. I'm the neighborhood watch now, I spend a lot of time outdoors taking pictures and walking the area.

Rather than continue to use any of my other weapons as main combat weapons I chose the old fashioned coach gun, hoping for some increased intimidation factor, and at least, an almost absolutely guaranteed one shot incapacitation at the ranges expected. The pistol is still on the holster and the primary is easily set aside as circumstances dictate.

My testing was really primitive. I took a box of 12 gauge target rounds and a pack of 00 buck with me to the store, and a 5 gallon plastic bucket. Then at the range, I tossed the bucket down at about 30 feet and started shooting. target rounds were devastating; before I had fired 4 sets the thing was literally a skeleton with every flat surface blasted apart. It was hanging together by the heavy rim and bottom and the curved, heavier side material. Even with such a minimal amount of remaining target material, every round hit. when it was finally blasted to pieces no larger than a clay, every round of shot still managed to hit fragments as I did tap drills from side to side. I had nothing to clean up that was larger than four inches in size.

The chokes are apparently very tight, and very, very consistent. (IC & M). The deluxe version comes with interchangeable chokes, so a better set of tubes may be in the future, who knows? Dirt scrapings showed that in these ranges both barrels were putting hits into a 16+-' pattern. The first round of buckshot blew off the plastic handle and broke a corner brace, those two pellets at least hit out at the perimeter of the target. The rest of it literally passed through the framework of that destroyed bucket; ground evidence showed about a 14 inch spread for the buckshot rounds. (4 rounds fired, each left an individual scar on the dirt of about that length.) I'm not good with recoil, bony shoulders take a beating. I get bruises and broken capillaires just with my 30-06; the recoil pad helped a lot. there was no bruising, but I ache like the dickens today.

All things considered, this gun shot better and cleaner than any other shotgun I have owned, as it appears from this round. The action and barrels are meticulously constructed. So precise that it surprised me. The machining is immaculate. By all appearances, this thing will be regulated at dead center with both barrels at far past 50 feet, every shot kicked up dirt exactly where it should have, not any variation visible. I bought the "nickel" version, which looks very suspiciously like just a stainless steel barrel and action.

The wood, although it is a nicer piece of walnut (yes, a coach gun with REAL WALNUT) has a minimal amount of pretty nice figuring. It has the lamest excuse for some cut checkering I have ever seen. The pores were not filled before the spray lacquer was applied, so the glossy and plastic looking stock is really far worse than it should be. It needs to have a real checkering tool applied to clean it up, and it needs to be stripped, oiled, and done right some day. The admirable shooting iron was just attached to a mediocre, yet decent piece of furniture.

$500 was the price I paid, but I know that they can be found for far less around the internet; the least expensive I found was $400. the base model can be had for $300+, but IMO, it might be stupid to buy the base model. It has no recoil pad, plain walnut stock, and fixed chokes. With a difference of only $100+-, the recoil pad and replaceable choke tubes alone add easily $100 in value. If a person hates nice wood, never plans on using different chokes, and is willing to use a $40 slip on recoil pad, whatever floats your boat. Something to think about is resale value, and this package will probably return a hell of a lot more money on the open market when reselling.

This is a fine firearm, they are using the same actions that are put into their fowling doubles at over $1k. The alternative of a $300 discount brand isn't even close in quality. It represented a good value at $4-500, for what it is, and with a package like this compared to the $300 or higher prices of others, saving $100-150 is kinda pointless., IMO.

I know that some of the cowboy shooters describe them as fragile. I don't see that. The thing looks solid, but I can't say how thousands of rounds each year would affect one. I recommend it.
You obviously have a bad situation, but you may be making it worse by posting about it on a public forum. Should you ever find yourself in a courtroom, you are making it all the easier for a prosecutor to make you out to be a blood thirsty gun nut.

I don't know what else to tell you, but should you ever shoot the first thing the prosecutor will be asking is whether you made any prior police reports ( for what good they me be).

At least now the local gangs know where to shop guns.

Not picking on you, but the best thing you can do is get out of there, if you can. Some folks are trapped by economics.
Be ready to reload. There have been a lot of issues with the single trigger Stoeger models. Rule of thumb - if you go cheap, keep it as simple as possible.
you know, this post was about a quality gun, not tactics.

I live in an upscale neighborhood in a century old home. There has been an influx of petty crime, and suddenly, a group of former convicts have been causing trouble around town. Yes, there are already police reports filed, I spend a lot of time working with them on general trouble, and now, twice on this. Well, yeah, you're right. the thugs know I own a gun already. If they find this post maybe they can learn that I have others as well.

Our laws allow deadly force at the edge of the street with no limitations of any sort. Posting that I bought a new gun and that it was a good one, and that it should be effective as antipersonnel is dangerous? ridiculous. I have a concealed carry, we are legal to carry in automobiles, and as long as a potential threat of harm is present, whether on property or in a car, we have stand your ground immunity here.

Yes, there will always be a pistol in the holster so reloading won't be an issue.

Is this what happens every time a woman comes here with a story about an assault and wondering about buying a gun? she's told to be careful or she may go to prison?

Back to what I said, the thing is a good piece of equipment, a realistic price, and it should be very effective if another person is attacked in the neighborhood.

Now I remember why I quit coming here.
Just because you're doing something legal doesn't mean the legal tables can't be turned on you. In today's world people can break into your house, get hurt, and sue you. I recall a case in Ohio. I believe the theif fell through a skylight, guess who won the case? All we are saying is be careful. Heck even if they are arrested, all it takes is some information exchange and they'll be out walking around the next day. It happens.

I too own a stoegor double but mine is an over/under. Great gun for the money. It shoots as fast as a semi auto with less worries of failures. I haven't had a single problem with it. I keep 000 handy for it.

You say there's 4 of them? If something really happens where a gun is required, is a double enough? Switching guns may not be an option. I honestly think these guys think you are nothing and like to intimidate you and mess with your head. They made fun of your pistol so you went to buy a shotgun. And carrying a shotgun around is just asking to stir the pot. Plus if they are making fun of your gun, good chance they carry guns too. Probably stolen and some cheap junk but it's a gun so be careful with who you try to inimidate.
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No, not something to worry about at all. Without going into detail, there was only one who posed a real threat. I now believe that the four probably represented a car full of visitors to the immediate area. They were not armed, to my knowledge, and didn't act as if hey were armed. The incident ended with the big guy leaving, shouting that he would be back and bring a gun as well, because I "pointed a gun at him."

Due to circumstances that I don't need to go into, just a serious beating would have almost certainly killed me, probably slowly, at least left me crippled for life. There is absolutely no doubt that a serious beating would have devastated my life. There was obvious malicious intent. They came from no more than a few hundred feet away; the entire event took less than five minutes. One came and left. He brought back another, the big guy, and after a several minute LOUD standoff, they both left, and came back with two more. The ones who came last convinced the crazy one that it 'wasn't worth going back to prison over." I was on the phone during most of the encounter.

He wasn't really laughing at the gun; sneering and insulting, but the fear in his eyes was pretty clear, I believe. The anger/adrenaline overrode it. The first two knew that I had the upper hand, the big guy knew I had him by the gonads, and the last visit, he was the only one who came (almost) the full distance to my position. The others held back a few feet. There were shots fired in approximately the vicinity that they would have been in about a half hour later, also reported to 911.

Another gang member murdered two people in a house down the street about 10+ years ago. (executed; no motive ever discerned.) That house has had a history of losers. The guy later murdered his girlfriend in front of her two children; he got life without. It is almost certain that these men were at that house.

As for whether the gun is safe to use with only two rounds, I have been a neighborhood watch type since we bought the place. I have disrupted a lot of trouble, and been in a few minor spots before. I've been in the habit of keeping a .357 carbine at my door and stepping out with it whenever trouble seems to be occurring within my reach. I don't haul long guns around, and I never leave my property with it unless I am reasonably certain that a serious legal threat is taking place nearby. I will step across a street with it to look, but will drop it and continue with only a handgun and phone.

A little cowboy rifle will look like a toy as well to crazy people like this. I think that if he ever does return intending to kill me, size will be what matters. Maybe the riot gun would be more of a deterrent to him, maybe an AR, but this is what made the most sense. a serious, cannon sized bore.

Intimidation isn't the only intent, it's intended as a first warning. IMO, if just the firearm presentation is enough, there is nothing to be gained by talking. Banter only strengthens their position and helps them to gather mental resources. It allows them to test your poker face. The only speaking I did was to say "back off!" three times. I had no intent of arguing with all the things he said. That is not what a lethal force confrontation is about. it emboldens them to make a person "dance on the string" like this.

Unlike you fellas, here is a general report of what I was told by three separate police officers over the four discussions I have had regarding it.

If you are confronted again, escape if you can, to your home, and "alamo up in there with whatever you have and do whatever you need to." If you cannot avoid an outdoor confrontation, you are free to use lethal force at any position, but you should not do so outside of the property line unless the need is absolutely clear and there is no hope of escaping injury. Do not under any circumstances even let them enter your home. Do anything necessary to prevent injury to either yourself or the occupants of your home. Call 911 as soon as you see a threat, or under any circumstances that concern you, as (I paraphrase) it is not your duty/responsibility to act as an LE officer, and it is our duty/responsibility to take that risk.


There is a problem with constantly repeating this, day in and day out, to an average joe. A person who hears, time and time again, that he is going to go straight to prison if he defends himself in even clear cases, is very, very likely to hesitate. Hell, people, I myself spent that entire encounter analyzing my legal options. I waited far too long to draw, because of my concern over my neighbors who were in the line of fire, and my concerns over legal and practical complications of drawing on an "unarmed" individual.

I should probably not go into the next details. I was already cut off from retreat. My wife was inside with an open front door. If this guy had reached the steps to my sidewalk, or his pal had found his way to the side of my house and flanked me, I would not have had any options left at all. It is likely that it would have resulted in at least one death, maybe two.

If I had been indoctrinated in "you're going to go to prison for the rest of your life for shooting a seventeen year old" I'd have lowered my gun and tried words and maybe my wife and I both would have died. Do not, by giving the well intended advice to be overly cautious, put people at risk of possible death because they were too intimidated to fire. People are constantly being killed by their own weapons because they did not engage effectively.

BTW, I have served as a certified NRA personal defense instructor in the past. I got tired of doing it at night while working and raising a child. I am always open to new thoughts and ideas, and am always willing to share these same ideas with others. There have been a lot of heart to heart conversations around this area in the past few weeks about keeping lights on, setting up car alarms, buying mace, and staying indoors at night.

I myself have bought mace and have started carrying it often so that lethal force is no longer my only option. A police officer carries several levels of non lethal weapons. I'd have given anything for a tazer that night along with the pistol. I'd have put him down and he would have been taken into custody instead of disappearing into the dark. His partner would not have mattered, since he would still have been covered by a pistol.

Again, I wish that there had been witnesses. for one thing, my memory of pictures and details fades very rapidly now. Second, I wish that I would have had another person on hand covering the rest of the area, as the lighting was poor and my shrubbery provided great cover.
This has probably reached the point of divergance that it should be just tossed out of the shotgun forum, and I halfway expect to get a warning for letting it go so far off topic.

In any case, once again, boy, am I impressed with the little guy. I have an order in at cabelas for a half dozen varieties of buck and slugs. I'm going to do some formal patterning and test for the regulation of the barrels with slugs, just in case I ever decide to use them. It is probable that Pigs will fly past farting donuts before I ever use them, but it's a good idea to have a weapon that will blow a hole through a hog or other larger critter that's big enough to spit through, or use of your own preferred bodily secretion.
I am sorry if you didn't get the pat on the back you were looking for, but I will repeat; the Stoeger single trigger guns are notorious for having issues with the trigger mechanism. I would clean it good and look for any burrs or flaws in the mechanism.
you know, this post was about a quality gun, not tactics.

If you mean reliable when you say quality, do some research.

Posting that I bought a new gun and that it was a good one, and that it should be effective as antipersonnel is dangerous? ridiculous.

If you are talking about what I suggested, it wasn't the posting but letting them know what they can steal out of your house can be a problem.

I have a concealed carry, we are legal to carry in automobiles, and as long as a potential threat of harm is present, whether on property or in a car, we have stand your ground immunity here.

If you say so, but do you have an interpretation as to whether your front yard is part of a dwelling or residence for purposes of that statute. You often talk about walking across the street and around the neighborhood and it was unclear if the confrontation with the 4 thugs was in your front yard or not.

Is this what happens every time a woman comes here with a story about an assault and wondering about buying a gun? she's told to be careful or she may go to prison?
Heavens no. Why would anyone want to be careful when it is funner to let them believe anything they saw on the late night cowboy show?

Back to what I said, the thing is a good piece of equipment, a realistic price, and it should be very effective if another person is attacked in the neighborhood.
How effective is it if only one barrel fires?

Now I remember why I quit coming here.
Now my feelings are hurt.:rolleyes:
First, double triggers are more reliable than singles, and since I forgot to mention, it is double triggers. Yes, I will be opening it up and checking, when time is available. I intend to have the triggers loosened up, they feel like they are in excess of 6 pounds.

There have not been any complaints that I have read about these that didn't involve heavy use by cowboy shooters. There is no indication anywhere that general use causes them to break down, and I have seen the actions. It's reliable enough. Don't know what in hell you mean about wanting a pat on the back.

Got any suggestions about how to draw a gun on a thug that is on the attack without showing that there are guns in the house? if it can be done, then maybe that is an issue I need to address, rather than just noise.

Regarding concealed carry, like probably every other state in the union CCW means that you can carry anywhere, as long as there are no legal restrictions, and that includes street. Even without a CCW, this state allows car carry and the castle laws specifically cover vehicle travel as well as domicile. Why would I not be legal to carry a CC when I am out walking in my own neighborhood? Isn't that what a CC is for, to allow you to carry a defense weapon during your daily activities? These are correct and from the state statute books. The castle laws here extend the zone of protection to the end of the curb. Nobody passed the curb, so none of it is applicable. The man halted before it was necessary.

Heavens no. Why would anyone want to be careful when it is funner to let them believe anything they saw on the late night cowboy show?

That is the least important part of the whole self defense issue with a firearm. When a life is in danger, the only solution is to end the threat. Start there. Teach the person how to shoot, when to shoot, and teach discretion. Teaching a person to be afraid to fire upon a threat is asinine. Constant repetition of "Don't do**** or you'll go to prison" is not going to make a person safer. If that person is already stupid or a cowboy, they won't learn. Drilling "don't shoot" for whatever reason is used at the moment into a person who is already uncertain will eventually have bad results.

How does that old cliche go? better alive and in court than dead?

How effective is it if only one barrel fires?

more effective than if my $200 pump fails to function.

Now my feelings are hurt.

I don't believe your feelings are hurt. You had a lot of fun. Admit it.
I think the cliche you are looking for is "better to be judged by twelve then carried by six". As for a Stoeger double that fails to fire one barrel being better than a $200 pump that fails to function, consider the likelihood of either having a failure. Also compare apples to apples. You said the Stoeger was $400 to $500. For that much you could have had a reliable pump.

I don't know about MO, but concealed carry means concealed; not brandishing. From what you say, it does appear that you were reasonable and wouldn't be charged with the MO equivalent of brandishing.

Teaching a person when to fire and not to fire is anything but asinine and no one on TFL, of whom I am aware, tells women not to fire else they will go to prison.

I do admit that the thought of you creeping about your upscale Missouri neighborhood, armed to the teeth, taking pictures and playing neighborhood watch was amusing.
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Our laws allow deadly force at the edge of the street with no limitations of any sort. Posting that I bought a new gun and that it was a good one, and that it should be effective as antipersonnel is dangerous? ridiculous. I have a concealed carry, we are legal to carry in automobiles, and as long as a potential threat of harm is present, whether on property or in a car, we have stand your ground immunity here.

The language that really bothered me is in bold. See MRG Statutes and the requirement that the use of deadly force be reasonable and the threat be immediate. Ask whether the stand your ground law offers any protection if a homeowner's use of force is found to be unreasonable or their is no immediate threat.

563.031. 1. A person may, subject to the provisions of subsection 2 of this section, use physical force upon another person when and to the extent he or she reasonably believes such force to be necessary to defend himself or herself or a third person from what he or she reasonably believes to be the use or imminent use of unlawful force by such other person, unless . . .
Some more words of advice, don't go looking for trouble. It doesn't matter who starts it. If something goes bump in the night I grab my pistol usually and check it out. It's always been a cat or a dog. One day it turned out to be a small earthquake actually. But that is me only bringing the gun out because of a possible threat. I don't grab my shotgun just to sit on the porch to watch sunsets. In this state we can only shoot to defend, not to protect property. And honestly I'm not taking someone's life because he's stealing. And you don't pull a gun on someone to intimidate anyone. That needs to be holstered, if it was me if the gun is being unholstered I'm a split second of a way to pull the trigger when there's a real threat. Not some want to be tough guy running his mouth. If the gun is out, it's because it really needs to be out, and will be shot. Thank God I haven't had to do that. Yes you can shoot someone in self defense and not be arrested usually. But is it possible the situation could have been avoided? Maybe not but I suggest doing all you can to avoid any confrontation. Might just save your life or theirs.
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Any message that says " Stoeger " ......and "reliable" is pretty funny my opinion...

I think my "BS" meter...just got pegged in this whole conversation....

Come on man....lighten up a little.../ and whatever is really going on, I hope it turns out ok.
Everytime Stoegors are brought up on here people always say how junk they are and link some horror story. I haven't had an issue from mine. I've shot everything from bulk target rounds to 3 inch #4 buck. It's shot 00 and 000. It's also had some 1 1/4 oz slugs. Not one malfunction. Sure it won't hold up to heavy competition use like some guns and it's far from the best gun out there. But it does all I need. On forums, I've heard just as many people complain about other brands as Stoegors. I'm not a fan of imports either but it's still not a bad gun. It's as good as the other guns in its price range. It's been a few years but I think it was $350. The wood is nice too and mine isn't even a Supreme. I do gotta say watch out for the take down button, when the gun is new it's sensitive. I bought it because I just didn't want a cheap pump, I have a cheap double barrel instead.
A lot of Stoeger SxSs are used in CAS and they hold up pretty good during some pretty rough treatment. I had one when I was getting into that, and I carried it around the farm to get used to it and it did okay. It wasn't a Purdey or a BSS, but it didn't cost like one either. BUT, it was a two trigger gun with extractors, and so was every other one I saw in CAS.