New stock help


Well I think I pulled it off and turned an ugly duck into a less ugly swan. My wife purchased a mossberg atr 100 for an anniversary gift. Having never thought it wise to look a gift horse in the mouth, I gave this gun a solid go. I hunted with it for two years (killing a total of 4 white tails). There is honestly alot to like about the gun. It a smooth action and a crisp but light trigger, but I could never get less than a 2.5 inch group from it, usually more like a 3+ inch. So in the spirit of using what my wife gave me and maintaining the chance of future firearm related gifts, I purchased a new stock for the gun and just finished bedding the action. I think this will shrink the groups as the plastic stock was rather "bendy" and had no semblance of bedding whatsoever. My concern now is the bolt. It cycles fine but when I close it it seems to strike the wood and it does not seem to seat down as far as it did before. It closes enough to activate the firing pin and it certainly feels solid, but I have not yet fired it and would rather not get a blast of hot gas in the face. Is there a way to know if the mechanism is locked down enough for safe firing? I honestly don't know if I have a problem as this Boyd's stock is much heftier than the plastic stock. it may just be perception. Just want to be safe......
With the action out of the stock close the bolt and mark where it is on the receiver. Place it in the stock and see if it hits the same spot, if not carve out a little until it does.
just finished bedding the action.

Did the receiver fit correctly in the stock before you removed the wood to bed it? If it did, sounds to me, that you may have set the receiver too deep in the stock when you bedded it.

If it didn't, the stock is defective- but too late now, since it's been altered.

When bedding, you obviously need to remove material (wood, plastic, etc.) to make room for the epoxy. This means you need to be very careful about maintaining the correct elevation of the receiver in the stock since that material is no longer there...

To do it correctly, you leave the area at the very back of the rear tang unmolested- as this will assure the back of the action remains correctly positioned. You then need to tape around (or some use O-rings) the barrel in the channel to set the elevation there. Everything in between "floats" and the gap is filled with the epoxy.

If the mistake of grinding out the area where the back of the tang rests, the "benchmark" elevation has been removed and the receiver will likely sit too low in the stock.
I left 1/4 inch in the back tang and on 1/8 strip right in front of the lug unmolested to ensure that the reciever fit exactly as it did when I test fit prior to wood removal. The tang fits perfectly flush. After the bedding I can see that these 2 areas are the only ones with. No epoxy covering them. I also used tape on the barrel to center in the channel and free float the barrel. I'll try and post pictures.
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