New STI on the way!


New member
I got the last STI Xcaliber .450. They have been discontinued. Even though the .450 SMC will likely turn out to be a gimmick caliber, the pistol will still shoot .45 ACP with a recoil spring swap. It's basically a Trojan 6.0 with a ported barrel/slide. I hope to have it this week!

STI Xcaliber .450

Wow. FINE looking pistol. STI's are sweet pistols. Not much more than the Kimbers and Springfields... and with much better triggers.
Talked to Dave at STI today and brought up the Xcaliber.

While they are discontinuing the Xcaliber they will be offering both the Trojan 6.0 and Eagle 6.0 in 450 SMC as a caliber option. When chambered for the 450 the guns will be ported (like the Xcaliber). Sounds like they are just consolidateing product lines.

Good thing cause I've been looking at the Xcaliber (or now the Eagle 6.0) now that there is approprate ammo out there. I think such a combination could have great possibilities on a couple fronts. Now to convince my wife. :eek: