new stainless steel beretta 21 bobcat in 22 cal


Does anyone have one of these yet? If so, what do you think about it? I would like any info on the model 21 in 22 cal as far as reliability, durabiity, ergonomics, fit and finish. Is this gun partial to a particular kind of 22 ammo or will it shoot anything? Would it make a good last ditch hideout gun? I understand the it does not have an extractor so it must be strictly blowback? Any info will be appreciated. Thank you.


Just the other day I looked and shot a bobcat. My thoughts where, there is little rifling making it a somewhat inaccuret handgun. The size of the grip on it makes it hard to keep your hand on it. It is quite the task to cock it. It is hard to pull the trigger and its only standout point for me was the size. If you are looking for a small gun I would suggest the taurus p-22. It is the spitting image and I find it is easyer to work with.
I would disagree a bit on the question of accuracy. I find if a model 21 is clean that it can be surprisingly accurate out of that short little barrel, even with those little sights. I can easily hit the bottom of a tin can at 50ft.

But if that barrel starts to lead-up. Then the bullets don't stabilize and they go who knows where. Literally, you could miss a 50 gallon drum at 15 ft.

I don't consider this much of an issue if you keep the gun clean or shoot jacketed bullets.

Also remember that when the gun gets dirty it may fail to cycle because of the lack of an extractor. The shells literally blow out of the chamber and bounce off the ejector.
I would also like a Bobcat in a stainless steel. They cost around $270 ?? The width difference between the Bobcat & the Tomcat is substantial. I wish it had an extractor!
While there is something to be said for stainless steel. Especially if you live in humid climes, is the stainless version really $270?

I don't know if I'm dating myself, but I recall seeing the standard 21A for around $120 new. Maybe there's been some inflation but even double the price for stainless seems a mite steep.
I've tried a lot of different ammo in mine, most eject just fine, but I end up with a type 1 (empty chamber). Remington bulk .22's cycle the best for me, and accuracy is excellent. Even though my hands are small, I have to choke up to the first knuckle on my trigger finger or the front sight will jump to the right when the hammer falls. All in all, it's an excellent pocket pistol, just be sure you can hit an eye if you're gonna use it for personal defense. I think if I had it to do over again, I'd go with the Tomcat.
I like the 21A design. I had to buy and sell 4 of them before I found one that would feed. The one I have now feeds perfectly if I modify the bullets with a tool a purchsed from the Hanned Line. It cuts the round nose from the bullet giving a flat tip which tranfers the .22s limited energy much more efficiently. When flattened Stingers are used they the most impressive in my test medium.
