New stainless Sig 220s???


New member
I see on the Sig website that the 220 will be offered with a stainless steel frame and slide. I never purchased a 220 because I hate both aluminium and polymer framed guns. But, now it looks like I may want a new solid steel Sig. Anyway, do any of ya'll know if the Stainless framed 220 is out yet and if so, how much it costs? Also, do you know how much a short trigger costs? Finally, do the Sig guns suffer from the same problem the failed Colt Double Eagle did (ie: the grips hold parts in and grip removal or breakage renders gun inoperable and parts were easily lost)? Thanks for the info in advance.
Anyway, do any of ya'll know if the Stainless framed 220 is out yet and if so, how much it costs?
Not out yet, but soon. drool... According to the article in the May Combat Handguns, it'll retail at around $879. Pretty spendy, but then again, it is an all stainless Sig P220...

Finally, do the Sig guns suffer from the same problem the failed Colt Double Eagle did (ie: the grips hold parts in and grip removal or breakage renders gun inoperable and parts were easily lost)?
I've got a P228 (they're all more or less the same in internal operation), and the grip panel isn't really holding anything in there. All the springs are attached to the frame.
I read that issue of combat handguns also. Actually $879 is only $70 over list of a regular P220. I'm sure they will sell for more than + 70 over a blue steel gun though, at least for awhile. My birthday is in Aug and I've already informed my wife what I want. The test sample performed very well, 1 hangup in 400 rounds and that occured toward the end of the test in which the gun was not cleaned and 6 diffrent kinds of ammo were used. Yep! I'm going to get me a Sig!
April appears to be the latest release for this item. I called about 3 weeks ago and was told it would be available in March. Hopefully the release date will not slip much more. If it does, it just gives me time to save some extra cash. I may wait on purchasing the 220 S as my FFL dealer said my 220 Sport is in and I can pick it up. (Yipeeee!)

I am thinking of picking up the 226 Sport (9mm) once that is release as well.

Go Sig!!!!!
Spoken like a true critic Ron.
But most SIG owners know - bluing can be refinished and cosmetics are for sissys anyways... Cracking... sure, small cracks developed towards the end of a LONG LIFE of shooting DUTY POWER loads. Mine had been fired about 80,000 rounds of 230 grain +P Hydras over the course of many years.
New Hi-Cap P 220 coming soon!!!

Have any of you heard about the new Sig P 220 Hi-Cap coming out? Obviously the civilian model will be a 10 rounder, but LE will be MORE! I read this in my latest edition of Guns and Weapons for Law Enforcement mag. what a hoot that will be! I've always loved the P 220 but have always wished it had more annecdote to dispense.
It's hard to tell from a picture, but does it look like the accessory rail is machined out of the existing dust cover material or is there more there? I can't justify keeping my Std 220 if I get the Stainless version, but I'd hate to find out that the SS won't fit in any of my holsters. What do you think?

The P220ST does have the Weaver rail machined as part of the frame (not removeable) and no it will NOT fit a holster for a P220.

As far as the P221 is concerned, according to the head of the design team at SIG in Germany who I spoke with there is no such thing (check on day 2 and 3 for SIG info on the P221). HOWEVER, the Swiss branch of SIG may very well be working on a pistol of this type and the German group is separate so would not know what the Swiss were doing. I would still be surprise to see it go into production for the U.S. market. The P220 is not a small pistol, to make the grip accept a double column mag would only serve to make it bigger and would put the trigger out of reach for many of us with short fingers or small hands. I use a short trigger on the P229 even. The other problem with the pistol is that it is a .45 ACP, which is primarily a U.S. market caliber, and it only has 10 round mags, 2 rounds more than a P220. Why a pistol bigger than a P220 that holds the same in the magazine as a Glock 30. Yes, the H&W SOCOM sells in the U.S., but I guarantee you that if they were not already making the gun for the military that they would not be offering it to the general public. Now if SIG can find enough govt LE contracts to sell a high cap .45 to then we may see it, but don't think that the pistol would make it on its' own in our market. It would not be cost effective.
The new Sig 220 ST is indeed impressive. I only wish other manufactures would also go the all stainless steel route.
A fine analysis, Jeff...

"It would not be cost effective."

...and I couldn't agree more. Even if the [mythical?] P221 could hold 14 rounds in a magazine without having a substantially larger frame, who in our community cares unless he is MIL or LEO?

Besides, it's not that much trouble to carry an extra mag or two for the P220. ;)