New "Spectre" movie: Glock To Carbine Conversions and cans...


New member
in "Spectre", Bond obviously uses one of the various "Glock To Carbine" conversion sets that seemingly flood the markets these days (I haven't seen the movie yet but it's mentioned here). The source also mentions that he uses a suppressor along with said setting.

I wonder how this would work, since there is a lot of space between the pistol barrel and the barrel exension tube (or whatever it is called) that forms the front part of the Conversion Kit. So if you would attach a suppressor on the Conversion Kit itself, most likely the muzzle blast and crack would come through between the (moving) barrel and the (fixed) front of the Conversion Kit, wouldn't it?
I would think the suppressor would be attached to the barrel, and simply ride inside the extension on the stock.

Thats what it looked like to me in the pic in the link anyway.
After Daniel Craig's comments about how scary guns are and how much he hates them I can't really get into 007 any longer.
He's really not 007. The character is the character. The actor is, well an actor.
The real 007, Ian Fleming, was 100% not afraid of weapons.
Felt the same way when I was a kid and saw Peter Pan in Radio City in NYC then
found out Peter Pan was played by Mary Martin. What a bummer. I got over it.
I heard Ian Fleming wasn't exactly that well versed in firearms, which is why Bond used a Beretta .25 auto with "skeltonized grip" for concealment. The PPK was .32 because he didn't know the .380 version was around and a better caliber. Of course, this is just what I've heard, nothing more than that.
Went and took my kids to The Peanuts Movie last night and I had really hoped that Snoopy would get MUCH more airtime with the machine gun on his Sopwith Camel but it was hardly a blip even though they spent a good chunk of film on him flying.
Haven't looked at the picture, but there are complete upper conversion kits that include a long barrel within. This would be easy to have threaded.
Well, if it makes you feel better, stakeholders have almost universally agreed this is Craig's last Bond film. Beginning with him as he has been pretty public about not wanting to do another.

Maybe the NRA should give out an award for film stars who forward the acceptance of firearms through the heroic use of firearms, especially in defensive civilian roles. Make a big deal out of it. Put a commercial on TV each time it is given out. All of the sudden anti-gun ators don't want those parts and we pro-gun actors/actresses get a boost.
The NRA movie awards... Can't garner less attention than the Kids Choice Awards.

All the kits I have seen either keep the short barrel or have a replacement barrel that is longer. WHo knows what they came up with for hollywood.
Ian Fleming used Geoffrey Boothroyd as Bond's "armorer."
Boothroyd was actually a firearms authority. This may have happened after the first book.
I heard Bond doesn't kill anyone in this one - true?

Just saw it. He shoots 3 guys, blows up a building, throws 2 more guys out of a helicopter, all before the opening credits.

Myth BUSTED!! Lol
SaxonPig said:
After Daniel Craig's comments about how scary guns are and how much he hates them I can't really get into 007 any longer.

Craig can't hate guns that much as he has done 4 Bond films which use guns and who knows what else in his acting career. It would be a little hypocritical to profit off something you claim to hate, much more so if he actually owns any guns and/or has private security which does...
Movie actors (and actresses) are some of the biggest hypocrites in the world, right behind the directors and producers they work for.
