New Southernist Party


New member
just saw on CNN that's theirs a party that so far iis only in 5 or 6 southern states, w/ membership spreading. from the short blip of infomation they gave, they are trying to organize the orginal Confederate states in order to form their own country(yes!!!...oopps) there is not an oranization as of yet in Arkansas, but i can hardly wait!!
i know Texas, Virgina, maybe Gerogia, and a few others that i can't recall, already have the party set up. ...veerrryy interesting!!!!!

what me worry? hell yes!!
HELL YEAH! Sounds like my kind of folks. Anybody know if they're in Tennessee? I tried a web search and came up empty. Maybe one of our resident computer wizards can come up with something?
The Southern Party

I also found a group called the Confederate Party of America. They also call for states rights and obeying the Constitution. They don't seem interested in suceeding from the U.S. Worth a look.

I haven't finished reading it all yet but, so far it's very interesting. Check 'em out.
Grayfox, Tenn. may have been included, but it was early and my brain hadn't begun to function yet, so i can't say for sure. i used to have a link to some of those folks, if i can find it again i'll e-mail it to ya'!!!!

oh well, disregard what i just wrote. glad you found them, w/ a link even. can't beat that!!

what me worry? hell yes!!

[This message has been edited by longhair (edited June 20, 1999).]
Grayfox, thanks for the links. i went and read them.i like what i hear, but i guess i'm kinda jaded in my views. Tenn. like Ar. is in progress of building. i'll be keeping tabs on what's happening here.... :)

what me worry?