New Smith & Wesson 625 Arrived Today

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New member
I just picked up my new Smith & Wesson 625 mountain revolver today. Like all mountain gun models this one looks great and it's in .45 Colt! My dealer no longer stocks Smith & Wesson but didn't mind ordering it for me. Looks like the boycott for me is over. Since the agreement has not gone into effect I see no reason to continue the boycott. I hope it shoots as good as it looks. I'll report back after giving it a test run.
Since some of S&W's profit from your purchase of a NEW 625 will go for "legislative efforts to reduce firearms misuse and the development of authorized user technology" - which is part of the legislative agenda of Hillary Clinton, Sarah Brady, Charles Schumer, etc. - I'm sure that, as long as you DID buy a gun, the aforementioned appreciate your choosing S&W.
The anti's have us pegged correctly...

... as a selfish bunch who are only concerned with ourselves.

Looks like the divide & conquer startegy they use might have some merit.

*sigh* Enjoy your new acquisition, M16. Probably will come a day when you aren't allowed to buy one - at least without electronic triggers & registration. But hey - at least you got in before that happened.

Kevin (who is feeling we are being defeated)
Just think, 10% of the procedes from your purchase went to Bill's rent and another 5% went to Jesse Jackson.

"Since the agreement has not gone into effect I see no reason to continue the boycot."

I guess you mean "Since S&W is too broke to force any dealers to sign a contract my concience is clear".

Unless you have first-hand knowledge that the government is not requiring S&W to honor the agreement. Not to mention Boston.

You,sir,are in a self-induced state of denial. Don't start whining when you see anti-gun comercials airing that have a little "paid for by S&W" tacked on at the end. That will be your hard earned money at work,not mine.
I would love to have another 625, and I am also lusting after a 45 LC. However, I don't have the stomach to go buy a new S&W.

"Since the agreement has not gone into effect I see no reason to continue the boycott."

Wow, I really don't know what to say about that.

Are you by any chance a S&W employee or agent who is trying to help others to make the same choice? Is that why you have come to post this message on a board that has shown its support for the boycott?


Politics aside, I think everyone here will acknowledge that Smith&Wesson makes the best revolvers out a considerable margin. M16, if you're happy with your new S&W, more power to ya! Post a "range report" here when you've had a chance to fire it...and enjoy!!!....mikey357

[Edited by mikey357 on 03-16-2001 at 09:35 PM]
Can anyone tell me where the agreement has gone into effect? It's not in effect at any dealers that I know. Wasn't it supposed to be in effect last November? So you tell me. What's the deal?
As far as the boycott goes I would imagine Smith & Wesson has got the message. The way I see it a boycott is not meant to put a company out of business. It is meant to protest company policies and have them reform their evil ways. Just who does a boycott hurt. Did it hurt Ed Shultz? I doubt it. It hurt the people on the assembly lines who are just trying to earn an honest living and feed their families. I supported the boycott for a while but since the agreement seems to be a dead issue I decided to end my boycott of Smith & Wesson. And to answer one question I am not an agent or employee of Smith & Wesson.
I hope some of you who are critical of my decision don't own a Kimber or Weatherby with parts made by Smith & Wesson do you? Oh I guess that's okay isn't it. Surely you don't own a Ruger. Do you want to know why hi-capacity magazines are so expensive. Ask Bill Ruger. Thats one agreement that has gone into effect. It called the crime bill of 94. Maybe it should have been called the Ruger Crime Bill of 94. Ever wonder why Ruger doesn't manufacture 10 round magazines for the mini-14 when they would be perfectly legal even now? It's because you don't need one. Ever wonder why Ruger doesn't manufacture concealable handguns. It's because you shouldn't carry concealed. But guess what. I'm just as hypocritcal because I own a bunch of Ruger firearms as well. If we carry these boycotts to far there won't buy any gun companies left.
End of Rant. Flame suit on. Fire when ready.
I have, untill now, avoided posting any political/philosophical view points on this site; I'd much rather talk about guns, But I can't let this one go by. I own several S&W revolvers and they are the best made out there. The last NEW S&W thatI bought was about three years ago, quite some time before any agreement was even thought of. That said, there are a couple of new offerings (particularly from the PC) that I'd love to buy but, in no uncertain terms, will I EVER be a SCAB.
Some people will do, or say, anything to justify a $&$ purchase. What a bunch of BS! Since M16 supports these traitors at $%$, why not get yourself a more politically correct name while your at it? After all, everyone knows where $&$ stands and YOU support them. SamC NRA Endowment Member
That's a red herring...

"I hope some of you who are critical of my decision don't own a Kimber or Weatherby with parts made by Smith & Wesson do you?"

Neither Kimber nor Weatherby signed an agreement to implement fascism in the firearms industry.

And in case you missed it, *&* signed another agreement, this time with the city of Boston.

Just because the agreements haven't been fully implemented doesn't mean they won't be.

Think about that the next time you're dreaming up a rationale to justify the purchase of your new toy.
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