New SIGMA design works great!


I know there has been a lot of negative press
about the S&W SIGMA so I have some good news for once.
I had an early model SIGMA .40 SVE that had the usual defects everybody talks about (failure to feed, ejection hangups, etc.).

I had sent it back to factory once before and they fixed the ejection problem 100% and the failure to feed about 75%. Still I could not trust the thing to work when it was needed.

So sent it back to S&W again and when I received back the receipt letter I called
and talked to a very helpfull gentleman named "Lou" in the SIGMA business group. Ended up that he offered to exchange my old SIGMA for a new one right off the line. I was more than happy to swap out that way.

Got the new one within 10 days and field stripped it for cleaning and inspection. Could see right off that S&W has made some changes to the feed ramp and other areas.

Took it out for it first trail run and was impressed with the major improvements in performance.

My previous SIGMA would not feed most ammo other than 180 grain FMJ and choked 100% on Hollow points. The new design will feed anything I put in it! Accuracy is very good with all shots of all type/wt. ammo grouping
in approx. 2 - 3 inches at 15 to 25 yards.

Piece of advice, if your looking at a SIGMA try to find one with serial number letter prefixes at PBF and up. My old one was PBC and was not trust worthy.

Anybody else seen a differance between old and new SIGMA's ?
I've fired the Sigma series a few times (9mm E / 40S&W VE). Not enough to not have your stated problems. What I could not stand was the trigger. Is there any change in that area?
There is some improvement in the trigger.

Before was LONG!! and you could feel steps or stages in it.
And kind of gritty as it went through its travel.

New one is still LONG but is now smooth with no steps/stages in its travel. I have tried several other brands and type DAO and they are all long in travel.

Supposed to be the built in safety factor for people
that don't know how to handle firearms I guess?!
Hydra-70 Please update in the near future on reliability and accuracy. Input after a full 500 rounds or so would be helpful. If the smith situation changes in the future and this pistol proves itself,I to would buy one. By the way anyone know the approx. dealer price on a current sigma?
My brother bought his last year. Sold it 2 month's later.

- 50.00 S&W rebate


It came with 2 15 round mags and a 10 rounder. Sold the gun with a 15/10 for $280. Sold the other 15 round mag to a guy for $30. He made $1

We celebrated by putting that $1 toward a Ruger .44 wheelgun.