New Senarios Section

Would you like to see the Senario type postings continue in a designation section?

  • Yes

    Votes: 19 51.4%
  • No

    Votes: 18 48.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Maybe, but then it probably would just create another section full of exaggerated, hypothetical scenarios. Somehow I doubt the moderators want yet another section full of that.

People need to control their imaginations a little, methinks.
People need to control their imaginations a little, methinks.

Too much TV and video games

See ya later, I'm alone in the office with alien ninjas trying to use a boring device to cut through the roof and the front door is under assault by mutant gangbanger zombies armed with full auto AKs...all I have is a Seecamp 32 with a broken recoil spring and a butter knife....what would be the proper thing to do?

That would be a good compromise. Some of the moderators don't seem to care for senarios overall as do some of the posters. But most people in general seem to enjoy them and debating in them.

See ya later, I'm alone in the office with alien ninjas trying to use a boring device to cut through the roof and the front door is under assault by mutant gangbanger zombies armed with full auto AKs...all I have is a Seecamp 32 with a broken recoil spring and a butter knife....what would be the proper thing to do?

LOL!!! ROTF (Rolling On The Floor) LOL!!!

Use your high powered flashlight and send up the Bat signal
Voted no.

I don't see a benefit in debating scenarios. Especially when a few level headed people ruin the fun by suggesting calling 911, or retreating... you know, the opposite of not going down in a blaze of glory.

Now, discussing an actual occurrence where we can learn from the good decisions and mistakes made? I can find benefit in this, if I look really hard.

I think people forget that many search strings point to TFL simply by using something like Google. Consequently it’s very possible that people of all types stumble onto these pages.

The first forum on this site is T&T. It is likely that T&T serves as the first impression on many who find their way to TFL. That is a scary prospect in many regards. This is one reason I believe adding a “play ground” for scenarios is a real bad idea.
Talk about NOT getting it. Erick has written specifically and clearly about how silly, useless scenario's are making a mockery of the forum, and you want to build a shrine to them by adding a special section??? Threads on this forum have been closed already, what makes you think a dedicated section of useless scenario's would be welcome. There is somebody paying for all this bandwidth we use for free, at least respect their wishes, or start your own forum.
Sure, why not? It keeps the goofy, off the wall stuff out of the training and tactics. That way, if someone doesn't want to read about how to react when aliens invade, they can skip that particular section. But for those that find that kind of stuff fun and a good way to blow off steam, they can do it without fear of banishment.
No - I prefer reasonable and informative scenarios in this forum. It will fall to the moderators to take out the more ridiculous ones or close discussions that are not serious or reasonable discussions of the art.

I fear that a scenario forum will quickly become full of junk and an embarrasment unless heavily monitored - and then what is the point?

A suggestion - one can forum a yahoo mailing group if one likes this kind of speculation.
Rather than cater to the endless "scenario" bickering, why don't we simply hold posters to a higher standard?

Eric pretty much nailed it when he pointed out that this is "Tactics & Training", not "Let's what-if a hypothetical to death"

I'm all for responsible posting rather than giving the scenario abusers a place to run rampant! ;)

Let's turn T&T back into a place where people can gain useful knowledge!
I voted yes. If they remove the ones like Dougs 3rd floor snipers and keep the ones that are useful. I enjoy reading how others would handle the same situation. I think anything that makes us think about fight preparation is good. Those who don't like the senarios in T&T won't have to see them anymore and things would be pleasant for all. It sounds like a reasonable compromise to me. If moderated well it should embarass no one.
In the military we usually have After Action Reviews (AAR) everytime we do something. what we did right, what we did wrong, what you could do better...ect. The AAR has a facilitator who moderates the AAR. There are rules to the AAR. You leave you feelings and testorone at the door.

We have enough Law Enforcment Personnel and other experienced people who could provide us with a scenario that happened and the outcome is known.

An AAR would go to each individual who would comment on it without name calling or saying your wrong. each course of action would be analyzed with the facilitator keeping things on track.

The purpose is not to prove superiority of any one individual but to make every individual better.
I vote NO. From what I have seen through the years, scenerios are nothing more than a venue for wannabees to talk about
A. how tough they are
B. How well 'tactically trained' they are
C. To pontificate on how moronic a previous respondent's answer was
D. To offer 'sage' advise on how they would have handled it.
E. Long winded discourses on the legalities of the situation

I would like to see them just go away.
Actually I think it would take more effort moderating such a forum than it would be worth. TFL exists to promote responsible and safe firearms ownership. There are over twenty different forums here already that serve that purpose.

How many times in the endless scenarios have you seen someone, in substance, post, “Well I’d just get my (insert favorite firearm here) and blow ‘em away!” Adding a forum that portrays all of us as a bunch of trigger happy jerks, in my opinion, does not further the reason this board is in existence.

I voted no.:)

And by the way, this thread had nothing to do with Training and Tactics.

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