New SAA Colts...

Kentucky Rifle

New member
I was browsing my gun shop yesterday and they had just gotten in a new shipment of SAA Colts. Man!! These are BEAUTIFUL revolvers! Perfectly chromed, very shiny, white handles...the type of revolver you dream about. Has anyone else seen them? The one that stole my heart was a .44 magnum with about a 6-7 inch barrel, but I presume you can obtain other calibers also.

If you saw a COLT SAA in .44 Magnum, you have the first sighting of a new product. Colt .44 Special or .44WCF, si; Ruger .44 Mag, ok; Colt .44 Mag ?????? Not that I know of.
I guess it could have been tagged wrong...

However, the tag did say .44 magnum. I looked a couple of times to be sure. I'll go back next week and ask the owner of the shop. Maybe I'll go back tomorrow. They're open on sundays. SUNDAYS!! Any excuse to go back to a great gun shop! It's Kiesler's. Right across the river from Louisville, in Indiana. They've increased the size of the store, added a whole wall of knives, and to my surprise have started carrying Wilson Autos. I was impressed at the amount of stock. Lots of leather, nylon, and cleaning and lubrication products too. Even concealment purses.

If it really is a 44 mag, I wonder how long a SAA would hold up to it, since it isnt advisable to shoot hot 45 Colt in a SAA, which is milder than most 44 mag.
I wa in Louisville for a convention several years ago and took a trip to Kieslers, a very big gun shop. My guess is that the guns you saw were Colt lookalikes.
I am thinking Ruger Vaquero's if marked .44 Magnum or if Colt SAA that you read .44-40(.44WCF) as .44 Magnum.
No, the tag said Colt...

And the pistol had the Colt emblem. The price was over $1100.00. However, the idea that someone had marked the tag .44mag instead of .44WCF sounds plausible though. Like I said, I'll go back and look and give you a report. What ever they were, they were big, beautiful, real Colts.

OK...I just got off the phone with Kiesler's.

I gave directions to the pistol I wanted the info on, and the tag WAS wrong. Also, I must have been wrong regarding the price. It IS a Colt SAA, but the caliber is .44 Special. (He said that he would change the tag immediately) The price is slightly over $1400.00. I am the guy who got the $1100.00 figure wrong. (Though I think it can easily be found for closer to my figure.)
I did get some more info. The pistol is SO shiny, I naturally figured that it was chrome plated. The counter guy assured me that this was not so. The shiny metal is all "buffed" stainless steel. I had no idea that you could buff stainless steel until it looked like a mirror. (And THIS pistol was as shiny as a mirror!)

Kentucky Rifle
I think the counter guy got it wrong. Colt doesn't make the SAA in stainless steel. What you saw was nickle plating.
Good Guy...

I wondered about that myself. I asked him THREE times if he was SURE that shiny metal was not chrome plating. Every time, he said, "No, it's buffed stainless steel". I guess a personal trip is in order. It's not that Kiesler's (in Indiana) is so far from my house (in the east end of Louisville), it's just that I65 has been torn up and "under construction" since...I can't even remember! It's beginning to seem like the road has ALWAYS been torn up and "under construction". I HATE to be stopped completely on the four-lane. Gives me the "willies" every time it happens. One time, on the way to Kiesler's, I watched a large car full of middle aged people which had slowed to the proper 45 MPH limit in the construction zone talking and laughing, not watching the road ahead which had clogged with traffic slam into the last car in the stopped lane. I don't think the driver even touched his brakes. Just BAM!! Understand why I get the "willies"?

Kentucky Rifle
This is only tangentially related but I've seen the Colt 45 Auto in polished S/S and it looks like chrome plated, so your SAA might be the same. HTH
Too bad Colt's doesn't show them on their web site. It is possible to get SS to look like chrome. Ruger has a high gloss SS on some of their new model SA's, looks just like they were chromed.
Colt does not, to the best of my knowledge, make a stainless SAA. Colt does not chrome plate SAAs. Bright, shiny, Colt SAAs are nickel plated. You can tell the difference once you have seen the finishes side by side a few times.

If they are bringing out an all new gun, SAA stainless, it seems strange they would show up at an obscure LE distributor two weeks before the SHOT show, where they will get tons of free publicity.
I think Jim Watson would be right on all accounts.

I would not thing Colt would make a stainless SAA, especially and not announce it. Why would anyone want a SAA in stainless anyway? I think the market for SAA's is small and in general the buyers want authentic guns, not stainless. I love SAA revolvers, but would not want a stainless one at all.

I dont think it would be chrome either. My guess is it is nickel-plated, and that the dealer doesnt know what he is talking about. He is getting Colts and Rugers confused.