new Ruger AR556


New member
I'm not good with ar rifle nomenclature so please bare with me on this. Bought a new Ruger AR556. Was reading where Rugers new carriage has a cut out under the firing pin which may or may not cause a bent firing pin. So I bought a new carriage bolt assembly from Bravo Co. Went shooting for first time. Shot around 50 rounds with original bolt assy. no problems. Switched to BCM bolt assy. and shot around 150 rounds. no problems. I do not have a head space tool and totally forgot about that being done. When cleaning rifle I noticed the part of the barrel where the front of the bolt lugs touch barrel , the barrel has scratches on it that I really did not noticed when cleaning rifle before shooting. Is this a problem or is this normal? All responces are appreciated. Thanks.
Check your brass if you are really concerned but I think you have no issues. Others may come along and call you all kinds of crazy for not having it headspaced with the new bolt, but in my experience Ive never had a head space issue with ARs.
The bolt is basically breaking in to the barrel lugs/extension which is absolutey normal.
My deckhand and I built an AR for him, the bolt was very tight in the barrel, would jam up, neededing to motor the case out, bolt just needed a good break in. First we ran my bolt in his barrel, then his bolt in my barrel to get a bunch of rounds threw em. 200 or so rounds and both of his parts were broke in enough that the rifle ran with no issues.
Sounds like you ["Was reading where Rugers new carriage has a cut out under the firing pin"] got a line of BS from whatever you were reading.
Some "writers" don't like certain brands (it's been that way since Townsend and O'Conner were writing articles back in the stone age of hardcopy) and nitpick anything not of their LOGO preference.