New revolver questions / Newbie stuff


New member
Am buying a new Ruger Redhawk in .44 mag. This is only the second revolver I've ever owned, and don't know alot about them. I know from inspecting a number of the Redhawks, before I ordered mine, that a trigger job is definately going to be the first order of business. Should I take this new gun in to a gunsmith and have him check the timing, as I have no idea how this is done? Or should it be okay coming from the factory brand new? What other things should I be looking for once I get my gun in hand? I'll be shooting some very hot loads in this gun and I want to make sure everything is up to par. I've read some posts referencing "trueing an action" - could someone please explain. Is this the same thing as "timing"? Please include a detailed explanation - remember, I said I was a newbie when it comes to wheel guns. Also don't be shy about saying maybe I'd be better off just taking it to a gunsmith and having him inspect it when he puts a trigger job on it. Now heres the bad part, I've never used any of the local gunsmiths, so all I can do is ask for recommendations around town as too who is good and who to stay away from. Thats the reason for the questions on what to look for - I'd hate to have some local yokel say it needs a bunch of work that it doesn't. All suggestions are welcomed. Thanks guys.
Slymule, if you'll go to you'll find an article on things to look for when buying a revolver. This is mostly aimed at used guns but these are also things that can be wrong with a new one. For example, I had a gentleman bring a Ruger Security Six in today. The complaint was that it shoots to the left so far that if he adjusts the sight all the way over it looks bad and it still doesn't bring the POI to center. I looked at the pistol and it was obvious. The barrel is cocked to the left a little. This isn't a new gun but the gentleman bought it new and has always had the problem. I've seen brand spanking new revolvers of every make with all kinds of maladies. Quality control just ain't what it used to be but if there is anything wrong the major companies will take care of it under warranty. You might want to check with Ruger and see if the trigger work you want done will void the gun's warranty. I believe it will. Anyway read the article at the address I gave you and it will certainly help you in this. In your search for a reliable smith, ask your local gun dealers who they send their work to or who they recommend to their customers. George
While the standard (original) Redhawk is a fine gun, it is a little difficult to do an action (trigger) job on. It uses a unique trigger/main spring arrangement that is very sensitive to spring tension. It can be lightened some, but not as much as the Super redhawk or another type (S&W or GP-100). If it is going to be used for hunting, then you will probably be shooting it single action. Check/play with the single action pull to see if you are happy with it & don't worry too much about the double action mode.
Timing just refers to the sequence of events that happens as the gun cycles. As you pull the trigger through, does the stop drop before the hand engages the ratchet & begins to rotate the cylinder? Does the stop re-ingage the cylinder notch before the hammer falls?
Hot loads are easily handled by this gun (within reason) if there is no excess play (endshake or rotation) in the cylinder.
A good smith will:
1.check the headspace with guages
2.check endshake with guages still in cylinder
3.check for excess rotation (loose cylinder stop in frame and/or cylinder cuts)
4.check cylinder/barrel gap
5."range" the barrel/cylinder on every chamber to check for alignment
6.adjust to correct any thing found not correct during the above
7.generally inspect the whole gun for flaws (crown, bore, etc.)
Truing an action is generally used to refer to bolt guns where you correct any misalignment with receiver to barrel fit. Same could be applied to a revolver tho' generally not needed.
I wouldn't know who to recommend out in Colorado. BTW, I've got a couple of Redhawks myself. Great guns!

[This message has been edited by BBBBill (edited February 11, 2000).]
I have an email friend who lives in your area. I live in Denver. While I could do your work for you, I personally suggest that you find someone local. OR get Ruger factory gunsmiths to do the work requested. That way there is no question of factory warranty. Drop me a line and I'll send you this persons name who lives on the Western Slope. Jim