New Rem. 870 problem or not?


New member
Got a new 12ga. 870 for Christmas and took it out to shoot some clay targets. Put 60 rnds of Rem. all-purpose loads through it. A number of times (at least 15) it was very difficult to pull the forearm back to eject the spent shell. It was almost like it was locked up and required a very hard and sharp pull to get it to cycle. When it didn't do this it seemed to work very well and it cycles smoothly when not loaded. I posted this question over in SHOOTERS and some felt that it is the tightness of a brand new gun and others thought it might be the brass swelling in the breech which is making some of the extractions difficult. This is my first shotgun and I really enjoyed the outing except for this problem. Three friends were there and shot it with the same results. I would appreciate any thoughts anyone may have on this matter. Thanks, Quadcab
Did you clean factory lube from the barrel and chamber BEFORE shooting? Sometimes the lube can be sticky and essentailly "gum up". That's one possibility.

The chamber could be oversized as you mentioned or undersized. Try a different type of ammo first to rule that out. Next I'd look into the chamber dimensions.

I'm sure some more experienced folks here on TFL will kick my butt on the suggestions.

Good luck and let us know what you find out.


GOA, TSRA, LEAA, NRA, SAF and I vote!
CMOS; thanks for the reply. Nope, didn't clean it first because it really didn't look lubed and went shooting that day on a spur of the moment. Also don't believe that I mentioned anything about the chamber size. Thanks again, Quadcab
I never shoot any gun new or used out of the box. New or used, I take home and clean it up and oil. Then, if I want to take it out, it is ready. I never trust it till I have personally cleaned it myself.
Try a little Break Free on the action bars, right at the receiver. Place one drop on each and then cycle a few times....
I had a minor feeding problem with my 870 Express during the break in period. It would sometimes fail to feed the next round in the tube.

My fix had three parts -

1 - clean it & give it a really good oiling.

2 - "rack it" while either unloaded or using 12 gauge snapcaps (something you can do at home) to work the action. I did this about three hundred times to "smooth" things out.

3 - get several boxes of reduced recoil target loads (100 - 200 rounds) and go obliterate some targets.

It's working pretty good now - no recent problems with the gun...
My Winchester 1300 was glass smooth right out of the box, and it hasn't had a single cycling problem through hundreds and hundreds of rounds. I'm assuming this is true of many 870s too, but perhaps they start out stiffer than 1300s.

Is it typical for an 870 to start out pretty stiff and then smooth out with use, or is this one of those lemons all manufacturers make from time to time?
My 870 had the same problem, I first shot it with Fiocci(sp) ammo. Once I switched to Remington or Federal ammo it wasnt as difficult to pump. After 200-300 rounds it cycles nicely with any ammo. This problem should go away once the gun is broken in, Good Luck.
Thanks to all of you for your thoughts on this matter. I haven't had an opportunity to get back out with my new 870. I have however given it a through cleaning and lube and have cycled the action a number of times using a snap cap. All seems well doing this but obviously the real proof will be on my next outing. I will report back. thanks again;Quadcab