New Reciprocity Law for SC


New member
I haven seen this posted but the Govenor signed H 3212 yesterday and it is now effective.

Valid out-of-state permits to carry concealable weapons held by a resident of a reciprocal state must be honored by this State, provided, that the reciprocal state requires an applicant to successfully pass a criminal background check and a course in firearm training and safety. A resident of a reciprocal state carrying a concealable weapon in South Carolina is subject to and must abide by the laws of South Carolina regarding concealable weapons. SLED shall maintain and publish a list of those states as the states with which South Carolina has reciprocity.

From an earlier newspaper article this seems to be what SLED and the NRA have told the State Senate that the new law would change.

States that currently recognize South Carolina’s concealed weapons permit include: Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia and Wyoming.

The new law would expand the states recognizing South Carolina’s concealed weapons permit to include: Colorado, Florida, Maine, Minnesota, Nebraska, Nevada and West Virginia.

South Carolina currently recognizes the concealed weapons permits of the following states: Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, Texas, Tennessee and Wyoming.

The law will expand that list to include: Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Kentucky, Maine, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Utah, Virginia, Wyoming and West Virginia.
I'm surprised this topic hasnt gotten more discussion or responses...

I still would like to know if SC will recognize my FLA non-res CCW permit
I still would like to know if SC will recognize my FLA non-res CCW permit

99% sure the answer is no. Presently SC only recognizes permit from a resident of the state and I don't think this new law changes that. So unless you are a resident of FL then SC will not recognize it.
I'll agree with PT111 above... sorry but that looks like how it is

I was hoping they could slip 'out' the resident part, which would have opened it up to just about everyone in the country... all you would have to do is get a Florida Non Resident.... but our IIOs (Idiots In Office) can't get much done... this change was a cosmic occurance.
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I was hoping they could slip 'out' the resident part, which would have opened it up to just about everyone in the country... all you would have to do is get a Florida Non Resident.... but out IIOs (Idiots In Office) can't get much done... this change was a cosmic occurance.

Cosmic, indeed and out of left field...

I would give the SC State AG office a call.

Or I can call the FLA dept of agriculture CCW customer service line... they should be able to answer, or I can go to and check the FLA CCW reciprocity list to see if SC was added or not.
This is pretty significant. The two things that blocked reciprocity in the past were the requirement for SLED approved training, and firearms handing and qualification. Now, it appears that has been struck down, and the only requirements are a background check and a training class, which presumably includes NRA. If this is the case, the SC permit should have the same reciprocity as FL, which a lot of us get here.
its amazing how in places like OH in SC and GA and FLA, gun laws recently have been chaged to favor law abiding citizens... too bad the same cannot be said for us that live in NYC, NJ, MA, MD, IL, CA....
You would not believe what kind of B.S. our 'leaders' have to spew and deal with

just for this one.... The representative of our esteme SLED (state police) told the senate committee if the general receprocity was passed then 16 year olds from New Hampshire would be able to carry in S.C. This is because according to him one sherrif in N.H. issued a carry permit to one 16 year old. Don't even know if it is true and really doesn't matter because it is obviouse to me and every other person with an IQ above 90 that S.C. state law is what a carrier has to follow in S.C. not New Hampshires...
S.C. state law is what a carrier has to follow in S.C. not New Hampshires

I would have thought that but after reading Mr. Robert D. Butler's analysis of the statement about 16 year-old's it certainly appeared to me that he agreed that 18 year-old's would be allowed to carry under the original version.

I know I know.....

I'm trying hard to get my act together..... looking to move to Dallas, TX by next summer... at least there I'll have more freedoms and be able to buy what I want.... what would be nice is if they allow pistol open carry statewide...:D
just for this one.... The representative of our esteme SLED (state police) told the senate committee if the general receprocity was passed then 16 year olds from New Hampshire would be able to carry in S.C. This is because according to him one sherrif in N.H. issued a carry permit to one 16 year old. Don't even know if it is true and really doesn't matter because it is obviouse to me and every other person with an IQ above 90 that S.C. state law is what a carrier has to follow in S.C. not New Hampshires...
Yeah, it's true, and I even know that particular 16-year-old. He's in his 20's now, of course.

We trust 16 year olds to pilot a two-ton hunk of metal at 70mph down a highway, why can't we trust them to defend themselves against violent criminals?

With a serial rapist's arrest, a young woman recounts her attack at age 11.
Sabrina Rasmussen, now 19, was 11 when she was kidnapped, bound and gagged with duct tape and driven to a remote area near Fort Lewis where she was raped. In custody is Terapon Adhahn, accused of her rape and the murder of a young girl. Police, and Rasmussen, believe there are other victims. She agreed to an interview with Casey McNerthney of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer so other victims can gain strength from her own experience.

Here's an idea - how about NO MORE VICTIMS?!? How about MORE DEAD RAPISTS?!?

Another fellow got a Maine license, then a New Hampshire license, and can carry at 18 in his home state which considers him a second-class citizen and will not issue him a license until he's 21.

Maybe you guys in other states should re-think your CCW age limits - New Hampshire, in spite of never having had an age limit on concealed-carry license issuance, still manages to post among the lowest crime rates in the nation year after year after year.
Sorry, I didn't mean to offend N.H. I've had to rethink my

Southern up bringing as of late.... when I looked at the gun laws for N.H. and VT and Maine... all are much more progressive (better) than my two states of S.C. and N.C. (homes in both).

I was only refering to a lobbiest for our state police who had an obvious agenda of keeping the power in their hands. And to do this he had to throw smoke blinds at the elected officials on the reviewing committee several of which wanted to believe what he was saying...

Keep in mind a few of these officials who what severe restrictions on carrying for the average citizen still submit a law that would allow them to carry anywhere in the state. I really think they all when elected should be required to attend a one day class... very simple that would make them read the declaration of Independance.. discuss what it means and then the Constitution and the same. I can't see how these two are that hard to figure out.