New Rasmussen Poll released today...

Pat H

Information from Rasmussen Reports, the polling company.
Data from suggest that Giuliani has a 30.1 % chance of winning the Republican nomination, Mitt Romney 24.5 %, John McCain 20.2 %, Mike Huckabee 11.0 %, and Fred Thompson 3.5 %. However, those numbers are likely to shift dramatically as results come in from the upcoming Iowa Caucuses and New Hampshire Primaries.

McCain 17%
Romney 16%
Huckabee 16%
Giuliani 15%
Thompson 12%
Paul 7%

The above is on the national level, not one state in particular.
There is very little mention of Giuliani recently. He will lose Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina. Will be interesting to see how he fares being out of the limelight for that period, and depending on a late comeback.
The much extended campaign season this cycle has yielded alot of interesting, and in my opinion positive, effects. We are enjoying the thorough vetting of candidates before we have to decide who we want to run in the General Election, the short term effects of sophistry and character assassination run out of fuel and the backlash from such behavior has an opportunity to manifest, any masquerading is seen through before the choice is made and regretted, and best of all, we get to put these folks through it hard and heavy for an extended period to see who actually has the legs and leadership for the job.

Rudy and Hillary peaked HIGH but too early as the effects described above took their toll. Rudy has leadership ability to spare. Among the candidates he is far and away the most capable leader. Problem is where he wants to lead. His vision isn't going over very well. And it does appear lately that he may not have the legs anymore. His health is becoming an issue.

Hillary has lost all but her most ardent supporters. She has a particular problem. Her aproval rates and polling numbers are still high despite a big slide, but her DISAPPROVAL ratings and poll numbers are also high. She has about 40% aproval right now, looks good till you look at a 49% DISAPPROVAL leaving only 11% leeway. that spread is usually split by the same proportion as the aproval disapproval rates but by no means is is a rule. If she gets the ENTIRE 11% differential she BARELY pulls it out. In short, she has been exposed long enough that she can't pull out ANOTHER new Hillary and win over any new support. A moderate aproval and a low disapproval is the better situation and Obama enjoys such a position.

The best candidate would be one with Rome's packaging (looks, voice, etc.), Paul's ideals as far as Liberty, Constitutional pre-eminence, and greatly reduced bureaucracy, and Giuliani's leadership ability.

Huckabee has leadership ability, a vision, and still seems quite comfortable even in the face of enormous assault. It seems the effects of this extended campaign season have vetted out a contender. And as far as polling goes McCain is the only Republican that consistently prevails against all 3 leading Democrats in head to head polling.

That Rasmussen site is chuck full of info, glad you liked it Pat. Nice to see at least some of my links are to your liking. We're finally finding some common ground.