New Purchase - CZ75 P-01 Omega


New member
I’ve been eyeing CZs for far too long! First time I shot one was around 2008, when I was debating my first handgun purchase. I found the Glock19 the simplest choice at the time and went that route, but sorta had a soft spot for the CZ since. Enjoyed the Glock for a while, shot well with it, competed with it and had no real complaints, till I started shooting tons of other pistols. I just started getting bored with polymer, so was shooting every thing but my Glock.

A while back I picked up a Shadow 2 and so the CZ addiction began. Yesterday, while I had a few minutes to burn, I stopped by my LGS and there was a P-01 Omega, black and no threaded barrel, looking...oh so lonely! I couldn’t help myself....she needed a home! I should have gone with the 75 in the first place.

Not sure if I’ll do any upgrades at this point. Will leave the decocker on for now. This will be an HD gun replacing the 1911 for that duty. Ike always been uneasy with the wife and that trigger under pressure, so the decocker will stay to give me some level of comfort there won’t be a ND if we have to God forbid reach for it half asleep.

Anyhow, can’t wait to take her out for a good run. DA is atrocious, but SA feels great. Definitely not the same trigger as the Shadow 2, but I knew that going in. Should still be a fun shoot in SA. Only bummer, there’s no NSN on this one! CZ changed a spring and now has to wait for a recertification! Or so, I understand it.

Oh, and...not trying to start a Glock bash. They are great guns and mine served me well. Just wanted something different.
CZ is one of the finest hand guns made at a reasonable price. I also own a Shadow 2 will be starting USPSA this year and also steel targets.
I also have the CZ P-01 that is my carry and a CZ Scorpion for HD and range fun.
I might be looking to get a CZ Accu Shadow...or the TSO .... CZ pistols are awsome
The 75 series is wonderful line up. I’ve had 2 PCRs, a P-01, a stainless 75 with the Kadet kit and a 75 Shadow Orange. Due to some friends, I’ve gotten to shoot the full spectrum of mild to wild. They really are fantastic shooting pistols.

The CGW ultra-lite kit and bit of polishing is a great choice for a basic tune up on the 75. Smooths out the trigger, brings the weight down a bit, but not so light as to feel unsafe (for most people) while carrying.

I actually went the other direction recently. Picked up a Glock 19 and parted with my last CZ. It’s all about what works best for each of us.
I have the CZ Scorpion evo 3 with the can on the frt. I also put the up graded trigger in and an AK style safety on it and a primary arms Cyclops scope.

It's just a really great gun to shoot
I've had a few CZ's over the years, great guns. I only have one left, a 75B SA and I love it. If I could keep only one 9mm pistol this would be it. I only have two Poly pistols left, my Lc9s for carry, and my M&P. While the M&P is a nice pistol I'd sell it in a heartbeat if I could recover 75% of the money invested in it. But that's never going to happen since I have close to $900.00 in it, so it sits in my dresser drawer for HD. All my other 9mm's are either steel or steel and alloy and they are all SA.
This is my first DA/SA and went with the Omega just in case I want to go back to the safet option. Don’t see that happening at this point. Not aware of any SAO triggers for the Omega as with the regular 75s, but shouldn’t be a big deal. With the safety instead of decocker the difference will be barely noticeable, albeit the SAO triggers are still nicer. Will likely go with the CGW upgrades at some point. Will wait and see how it breaks in.

Couldn’t shoot crap with my LC9 and the long trigger pull really put the strain on arthritic hands. The Omega no doubt will do the same, but it’s only the first shot, so will see how it goes. I like having the options.

The other CZs I shot aside from my Shadow 2 were all standard decocker models and they were great. There’s never been an Omega to rent at any range, so this was a buy before you try kinda thing. No reason to believe it’ll be anything but stellar and certainly one I may want spend a bit to upgrade at some point.
Great Choice.

I've had the regular P01 for several years. It only gets smoother decocking. Never jammed once yet! Great guns!
The wife shot both the other day. She liked the Shadow 2 enough, but a bit too heavy for her. She’s always struggled with hitting the bullseye with the Glock. It didn’t quite fit her had the right way. She shot consistently nice groupings with the P-01. She said she loved the gun. I’ve never heard her say that about any before. Pretty much says it all. :)
Glocks are utilitarian but I don't think they are as ergonomic. There is also a record of accidental discharges with glocks in law enforcement hands. Usually the trigger gets swept when holstering and kaboom. The double action pull of the CZ is much much safer in my opinion.
I never had any issues with the ergonomics of the G19 g3 Glock, but The grip was definitely too thick for my wife's hands. There was actually a video of a guy getting in his car and kaboom, shot through his seat and the floor board. Just narrowly missed his ars! He was wearing a leather holster and some of the material got caught in the trigger, which is what set it off. I meet guys at the range all the time touting light trigger mods on their Glocks and I just cringe. I never thought the trigger was all that bad stock, but lighter? That's just begging for trouble!
Love my CZs

I carry a Glock, but enjoy shooting my 75B and Shadow 2 much more.
I have not tried any of the Omegas, but I'm sure they are great too.

The only complaint I have with CZs is that they are kind of like the old Lays potato chip commercials say. You can't stop at just one!
I'm a dyed-in-the-wool CZ guy. Have several CZ75s in different configurations including one SP01 CZ75. They are incredibly reliable and dead-on accurate. Since mine are all-steel they are probably not great as carry guns.
I am on my fifth P-01. I gave 4 to family members. LOVE the weapon. I had a Glock 19 but shooting the P-01 ONCE had me convinced. Sold the plastic and carry a REAL weapon.:):):):):):)