New problem primer


New member
I thought I had read about most primer problems (spp in 45, etc) but this is a new one to me. S&B 9x19 NX 15. I'm guessing it is their version of lead free. What isn't free is movement of the primer, I am afraid to pull any harder to decap it. The primer seems to be between a SPP and LPP but can't say for sure since I can't get it out. The flash hole appears to be smaller, but again, I can't get to it. Anyway, brass rats, be on the look out.
++++2 Berdan primers. Appearing to be in size between small and large is a strong indicator.

I'd take a hack saw to one of those cases just to validate what your working with.
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My understanding of Berdan primers is two flash holes, off center. This is definitely one hole dead center. If that has changed it could be the answer but I've never heard that.
My Ambien is kicking in so I'll post a pic in the morning. Its a good pic so you can see the difference.
We've actually seen issues w/ S&B 9mm brass here before -

Seems it's a tad squirrelly.... and they make several different variants.

Also - it's European - so the flash hole may be metric sized - something I see in all GECO brass which I pick up on when it sticks on my decapping pin.

My guess - you've got a 9mm variant there that's a tad off the typical 9mm luger standard.