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new posts to old threads


"If someone resurrects an old thread, everyone complains. If they start a new thread, people come out of the woodwork yelling "use the search function." "
I am a new member but an old browser. I did the search on this site and found many threads on this topic. None that I saw contained the suggestions I want to put forward. I didn't want to spend an inordinate amount of time searching for suggestions and/or resolutions. I did find where you decided to add a warning to an old thread. It took quite a while to find. Good idea.
I want to be a productive member who follows the rules and contributes. I don't want to spend a great deal of time learning the minutae involved in the "politically correct" way to function on this site. I will make mistakes.
I also know nothing of the logistics of your site.
Perhaps you could put a warning on the new post in the forum index stating that it is to an old thread.
Maybe you could link threads with similar threads so when I am looking at an old thread I will find the updated new thread on the same issue.
Could you post a sticky which puts forth the resolutions to the real or perceived problems so I don't have to search through many threads to see if indeed, this issue has been addressed.
You have a superb site. I appreciate the knowledgeable, sincere, and giving members who participate. This particular issue is not really an issue and if these suggestions are a waste of time maybe they can stimulate some suggestions that will help. Maybe someone has already posted these same suggestions and I did not spend the time to sort through all the threads to find them or the reasons they could not be implemented.
Thanks for the site.

You've hit the nail on the head. Just do a little research, and if you can't find what you're looking for (even if it may be there somewhere), go ahead and post. I've resurrected old threads, and asked questions that have been asked before.

Most forum members are good folks, who will gently lead you in the right direction if you're off course. However, there are some who enjoy throwing stones at anything and everything.

Bottom line - use common sense and let some of the comments roll off your back. If an honest question elicits a strong response, it's probably not the fault of the OP. Treat this place like a conversation you'd have with a friend.
Perhaps you could put a warning on the new post in the forum index stating that it is to an old thread.

If a thread is old enough, and I don't remember how old that is, A pop up window will give you an "Old Post" warning.

Maybe you could link threads with similar threads so when I am looking at an old thread I will find the updated new thread on the same issue.

The search engine will do that. Use "Advanced Search".

Could you post a sticky which puts forth the resolutions to the real or perceived problems so I don't have to search through many threads to see if indeed, this issue has been addressed.

I don't know where to begin with this suggestion. ;) "Resolutions to real or perceived problems" ? Do you mean like "What's the BEST Deer Rifle Out To 400 yds?" or "What SD Handgun Should I Buy?" You'll get plenty of hits on those searches. Once again, we depend on the search function to do the linking as your need arises. As you become more familiar with the search function, you can find anything you could possibly want to know here. Click on the search button and then use the drop down to go "Advanced Search". Changing your search string can help to open up or limit the search and as a result, number of returns you get. The selections in advanced search are pretty impressive. They will help focus your search. Give it a try. And keep in mind that over the years certain common questions have been asked and answered many times over because a member didn't want to have to search through many threads to see if indeed, their issue has been addressed in the past.

There is nothing wrong with opening an old thread to continue the discussion. But you need to read or at least scan the whole discussion in that old thread.

Thanks for the responses. Bud, I was wondering if the warning could be attached to the "latest post" on the index, as well?
The answers or resolutions refer to the resolutions for questions like this one. i.e. what has the administration done or what are you planning to do, if anything, to resolve this type of "problem. I am referring to the problems that belong in this forum, not the other forums.
Thanks for the explanations.
You're welcome.

I see what you mean about the warning. I think the vBulletin software brings up the warning automatically. We would need to attach a post or a banner to that thread to do what you propose and that would take manual intervention the way the board software works presently. Since there is good info in some of these old threads, the flash warning only comes up when you try to post. They are still good for reading and that would be a pain in the you-know-what to get that dialog every time you opened the thread just to read it.

We don't have a dead thread category. We just look at the dates.

We don't see these things as problems needing solutions.
I agree with you, Bud. But I am a new user albeit and old browser, and see this little beef posted a lot (over time). I certainly don't know anything about the logistics of your site and don't pretend to. I appreciate that you can do what you are doing for the rest of us.
I can really get caught up in some of the old threads, especially sometimes when some time has elapsed, things have changed, and some of the original posters have had time to rethink things. Like I said, it is a superb site.