New pistol, or ammo and mags?


New member
Been planning to purchase a new pistol at the first of the year. Been looking and reading and just can't decide. CZ75B, CZp10c, Sig P320C, M&P 2.0's, or a 1911. Maybe even a .357 revolver. Looking at anything and everything.

Since I can't decide, maybe I'll just buy ammo and more mags for my Glocks. That would be the wise and practical decision.:rolleyes:

Unless there's one pistol that I'm missing that I should really give strong consideration. Suggestions welcome.
Hard to say without knowing what is already in your collection and what if any perceived holes you might have. If you don't own a nice 1911 I personally think everyone should have at least three.:D
Four Glocks, two 9mm and two .40's. One is for carry, one is nightstand home defense, one is a bag gun, and one is downstairs home defense. Also, have a .22 revolver that I never shoot. The four Glocks all get range time. I have home defense and carry covered. So, the new pistol would be a range gun, or it could replace one of my Glocks, or it could open the door to trying other manufacturers. A gateway pistol....
Since I can't decide, maybe I'll just buy ammo and more mags for my Glocks. That would be the wise and practical decision. :rolleyes:

I think that sums it up pretty well. You have four Glocks, so obviously you like the Glock and are very familiar and comfortable with them. Staying with the four you have would clearly be "the wise and practical decision."

The real issue here is whether or not you want to be "wise and practical" -- there is a whole wide world out there of impractical and potentially unwise decisions you could make... many of those decisions would probably be fun.

You implied that this next purchase would be a range toy, so part of the decision could be what you like to do at the range (and, of course, what your range allows).

You could consider a G40 Gen 4 MOS -- then add a reflex sight -- or perhaps add a reflex sight to one of your existing range guns to see if that's a route you want to go for carry and/or home defense.
Try competitive shooting, IDPA or USPSA.
That will wring out your Glock and maybe point you in the direction of a serious match gun, even if it is still a Glock.
"...more mags..." What are you expecting will happen? Four Glocks in 2 chamberings is really 4 of the same thing. None of which is a collector's piece.
However, you need to decide on a budget and a purpose another handgun will fulfill. If you can't deal with whatever it is you're afraid of with 4 handguns, another isn't going to help. Mind you, "I want one." is a reason.
Like Jim says, go play some shooting games. None of 'em are in the least bit 'practical' or training/practice for anything though. You might want to start shooting bullseye at a club.
Xtra mags and ammo? While useful, that seems like stuff I would purchase occasionally without saving up or needing an excuse. I would go for a new pistol. There are way too many different guns out there to be having 4 of the same kind. Wise and fun in that.
Without knowing your financial situation and I don’t care to, none of my business, I am not going to suggest what you should do. Now if it were me, I would be looking at the .357 revolver or 1911...:D
When I have a little spending money, I buy the mags and ammo. When I have a bigger chunk of change, I always tend to go for the new gun.
... and if I find one that has been on my list and hard to find, I sell my mags to get the gun!LOL
If you get a good M1911, you'll probably sell your Glocks to buy another M1911. Win win! ;)

Ok, seriously, get a M1911. A quality one. You won't regret it. Or, I like the idea of getting into reloading.
Good ideas and suggestions. As to the amount I can spend... the issue is really how much I'm willing to spend. Since I own Glocks, that gives a rough estimate of how much I have spent. Two I bought new and added night sights. Two I bought used with NS included.

Maybe one day I'll drop $2,500+ on a 1911 but not anytime soon or maybe ever. So, if I did go the 1911 route, a Range Officer or SR1911 in that $7-800 amount is about as far as I would be willing to go. The other pistols I mentioned in the original post are more or less in the Glock range for price.
The Range Officer and SR1911 are supposed to be good guns and good values. If thinking about a revolver I'd be looking at a Ruger GP100 or a S&W 686. They can be had for around that same price range.
Did you mention whether you must have striker-fired or also like DA/SA?
This could have helped at the beginning.

Have you tried the CZ 75D "PCR"?
My carry guns are the .380 Russian Mak (much easier to conceal under single t-shirt: summer), the "PCR", German-proofed Sig P228 and former police Sig P6. I really prefer metal DA/SA types.

The Walther PPQ is similar to the CZ P10. Both of them impressed me.
Have you used both types?
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If you have 2 .40 S&W calibers and you don’t yet have a .45ACP caliber, then I’d steer you towards a Gen4 Glock 21
Did you mention whether you must have striker-fired or also like DA/SA?
This could have helped at the beginning.

Have you tried the CZ 75D "PCR"?
My carry guns are the .380 Russian Mak (much easier to conceal under single t-shirt: summer), the "PCR", German-proofed Sig P228 and former police Sig P6. I really prefer metal DA/SA types.

The Walther PPQ is similar to the CZ P10. Both of them impressed me.
Have you used both types?
I have looked at the 75D PCR but no one seems to have them in stock. Local GS has a 75 compact.
Since you appear to be looking for a fun range gun, I second the chorus for a 1911. Get a full size Government model in .45 ACP. I think you’ll be surprised at how much you like it. I bought a SIG 1911 for right at the price you are looking at and love it.

For another off the cuff idea that would be cheaper than all the other suggestions here, how about a Colt Single-action Army clone (I.e, made by Uberti) in .45. These are hoot to shoot.
"...more mags..." What are you expecting will happen?
What I expect to not happen with the multiple magazines I have is me sitting at the bench at the range loading a magazine after anywhere between 7 and 17 rounds fired! Load 'em up at home while relaxing in front of the TV. Spend the majority of your range time shooting.

For the OP, a 1911 would be a great addition to your accumulation. But not at the cost of getting rid of anything else.

The "get into reloading" is also a great suggestion. Not only a money saving possibility, but a fun, and relaxing hobby on it's own.
Again, thanks for all the replies, and keep them coming.

I'm leaning toward two pistols at this point with the focus on a range pistol. A CZ75B or a 1911.