New Pics of California legal pistols

Which is the most menacing?

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#2 is clearly the most menacing. It is black. See, black gives a gun special powers of mind control over its owner. If a gun is black it can spray bullets too. Everybody knows that. :rolleyes:
Aha! So if I get #3 and paint it black, I'll have comfortable grips AND a bullet hose with guided, exploding, incindiary, armor-piercing anti-tank bullets in unlimited supply?? SWEET!! Where's that rattle-can?!!:D
Aha! So if I get #3 and paint it black, I'll have comfortable grips AND a bullet hose with guided, exploding, incindiary, armor-piercing anti-tank bullets in unlimited supply?? SWEET!! Where's that rattle-can?!!

Now that you put it that way, #3 now gets my vote for most menacing. :D

Plus, did you see how big the caliber is? Only a terrorist sniper would need soft foam projectiles that big. They have no legitimate use like self defense, hunting or collecting.
I believe #3 would fail the CA drop test which in itself makes it a menace to life and limb of every decent God fearing American . Allowing #3 to be distributed will wreak havoc on every level of society . These monsters make the BMG look like a childs toy . Stop them NOW!!!
#1 and #2 have the mean look going, but #3 gives you the psychological advantage. I didn't know that was legal in California. Maybe I should move there.
#3 is easily concealable and looks too much like a toy. Gangs all acoss America will use it to start kids in the life. Plus it is way over .50 so terrorists will use it to shoot down airplanes!
#3 is a large caliber, probably designed to be anti aircraft projectiles.
Did anyone hear about the CA proposal to have all thermostats controlled by central government to conserve energy? It was on the news last week and I haven't heard anything else. Sounds like some scifi/twilight zone, outer limits..." we control the vertical and the horizontal, and your thermostat".
That high powered rifle ought to be banned pretty soon. Wait for the guys over at CalGuns to put a Bullet-Button on one....



I hate clicking links :D

#3 is the most terrifying, the caliber alone puts it in NFA status.

Have a great gun carryin' Kenpo day

I'm afraid I'm going to have to go against the masses and vote for the evel assult rifle #1. If you installed a scope it would materialize into an evel assult sniper rifle. Now that's versitile.