New Orleans sues gun co.


New member
i don't know if you saw it this morning on
CNN, but the city of New Orleans is going to sue gun manufacturers wanting them to make "safer" guns. they said that they we have child proof medicine bottles, the gun companies should make "child proof guns".
sounds like the anti-tobacco thing is going to start going in another direction. they reported that some of the lawyers that were used in some of the tobacco cases are on this now. is it just me, or has this country gone crazy???????
I wish that the gun companies being sued (S&W, Glock, Ruger, Colt, etc.) would have the balls to decide to refuse to sell their products to the police in every city that decides to sue them. It always amazes me how anti-gun freaks can describe a gun as an "evil" death-machine when it is owned by ordinary citizens, but the same exact gun on the hip of a cop is just a law-enforcement tool. And if I recall correctly: until recently, a significant proportion of murders committed in New Orleans was being committed by cops! Maybe Mayor Fathead should concentrate on police/political corruption instead of gunowners. Of course, maybe that would result in his removal from office...
Longhair, pull up a chair - your at the Mad Hatter's tea party. Pour yourself a cup of insanity, there is plenty for everyone.

Pate, You have a good notion. But since you will never have ALL the gun companies together - some Company will always be willing to scab and cross the picket line...

Since there is no stopping frivilous law suites:
How about a counter suit?
The COMPANIES sueing the killers and the cities etc... for MISS USE OF the product per manufactures written warnings and instructions! My HK says plainly on the gun: Read Manual blah blah blah...
The city of Philadelphia tried it a few months ago and lost. However, they learned from the tobbacco lawsuits...i.e. start plugging away and ultimately they will crack a gun manufacturer.

However...and this is the good part. The cities are using taxpayer dollars to fund these suits; and losing. Read waste of public monies, and that makes them vulnerable. Piss my taxes away on a frivolous lawsuit and I will bury your career
Saw the same thing yesterday and almost had a cow. Why not sue the criminals who are misusing these firearms??? Wouldn't it be funny if the NRA or some pro gun group sued the mayor/City/State for reckless endangerment of citizens. I mean they issue and require every cop to carry one of those dangerous things every where they go. Not only that but they must keep them loaded at all times. What insanity
Worst of all they do this knowing that these things can be easily misused and abused. My God, the HUMANITY. Just think of all the children