New Orlean's Mayor vs Glock on Today Show


Moderator Emeritus
This one was a hoot! This morning Mayor Morial vs a representative from Glock on city law suits against gun manufacturers.
The salient points and observations:

1) Morial talked non-stop, intentionally attempting to prevent the Glock guy from having his say
2) Morial said "save the children" in multiple forms over 20 times before I got sick of counting.
3) Glock includes cable locks with its guns now, based on the agreement gun makers signed with the Feds, effective Dec 31....Morial attempted to take credit for that by saying the fact that cities are sueing has caused makers to do this. The Glock guy nailed him with the true facts.
4) Morial said guns are like tobacco, i.e inherently unsafe to both user and others. Glock guy pointed out that guns, when used according to instructions and by a safety trained user are harmless to the user and do exactly what they are designed for.
5) Morial attempted to say that manufacturers flood the market in outlying areas, with the pre-meditated concept that they will ultimately end up in cities. Glock guy pointed out that last year New Orleans sold confiscated guns back into the city...hence contributing to Morial's perceived arms race.

I could go on but you get the point

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Who was it arguing on behalf of Glock ?

Was it Paul Jannuzzo? (he is the lawyer who beat S&W into submition over the Sigma and he basically runs the shop in Smyrna)

Or was it Joe Troiani, Glock's Media Relations guy?
I too saw that "save the children " crud on the tube this morning, gag!! One piont that I feel in this more safty devices on guns debate that never seems to be addressed is the fact that some gun people DON'T want them on there. I personally like a decocker and that's it, safety is how the gun is stored, handled, ect. Until this more safety on guns I never even thought of a mag disconect as a safety device and never really have seen the need for one. I thought it was a total joke when that Mayor held up that pistol with the combo lock stuck on the side and said (basically ) all guns should have a combo lock. I would NEVER buy a gun with that crap stuck on it. I guess I'll stop now
Still mad
I don't know if I would call him a Jerk. i mean if you think about it, he is just doing his job, get ready for the re-election when it is. he is a big city mayor with a lot of people to please. Since the anti-gun people are the most vocal most of the time, he will do what he can to please them.

What he says may not be his own thoughts. They are probably the distorted facts that one of his aides compiled and gave to him. I had a class taught by Leon Panetta last quarter and he was telling us about how he hand aides/interns research the bills for him most of the time and a lot of the time people approach things with preconceived notions.

Sueing the Gun makers is about job security for the Mayor, not necessarily a personal agenda to ban all gun. Its like people in the house voting to pass campaign finace reform. they do it knowing full well that the bill will never make it through the senate, so they can tell their constitutences that they voted for campaign reform.

I would much rather it be a personal agenda, than a job-holding tactic. If he really believes what he is saying, that I could almost respect (monumentally WRONG though he may be).

If he doesn't believe (or even know) what he's saying, well then, THAT'S a POLITICIAN!

One of you Latiny guys want to give the etymology of the word "politcian" for us?


Frighteningly....politics is a root word from the Latin politicus with the same meaning as ours.

I've come across this one that does fit:
Politics...Poli=many tics=bloodsucking insects

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Chink, if you were serious, and not being sarcastic, then IMHO you are cutting Morial way too much slack. Is it conceivable the guy is just naive, ignorant, worried only about his job, and not concerned about what is morally correct, reasonable, and best for his city? Or his country, for that matter? Sure.

But, does that make him a stand up guy? A good mayor? A respectable human being with a backbone? Even a decent manager? No. It makes him an ignorant, immoral, conniving louse. Period.

I don't want to get too carried away here, but this kind of behavior is unacceptable. And, as I saw another member state elsewhere, people like Morial are cynical enemies of liberty. It's OK for people to fail. It's not OK for us to just let it pass on such an important issue. We need to start pointing out that some of our so-called 'leaders' can't put two thoughts together into one coherent concept.

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited 01-28-99).]
I caught that "show" here in Aus.....still going "huh" and shakin' my head in dis-belief at THAT man (Mayor)

Imagine all the gun owner/voters that may have voted for him going "nutso"! after listening to his un-informed diatribe :(

"The Gun from Down Under !"
Just gutting the Second Amendment and endangering Americas' freedom as a means to get re-elected? Just a ventriloquists' dummy, yapping whatever Naziesque propaganda that is put through his rotten teeth? Bastard. Ditto for anyone who'd put a brown stain on their right to vote by supporting such a poison-puppet!