New Online Firearms Community Open


Hello. I'd like to start by thanking Rich Lucibella, and the admin staff here, for letting me post this message. It is much appreciated.

For those of you who don't know me, my name is Eric Powell. About twenty years ago, I started the website Glock Talk. I sold the site to another company in late 2010. I continued to be an administrator on Glock Talk and still am, but I came to miss having my own site. So, I have opened a new one.

The new site is called The Bore Site, . Like GT before it, the new site is a place where firearms enthusiasts can hang out and talk about firearms & related issues, or just about anything else. The site currently has a forum system, a photo gallery, a social club system and a blog system. Several other features will launch soon, including an article section, an online game area and a comprehensive review system.

The site will display ad banners, but they will be unobtrusive and there will never be any pop-up/pop-under banners, or similar types of advertising. We will also not run ad content from third-party ad providers. To compensate our members for the ad network which will help to fund the site's operation, we intend to run the advertising and marketing of the site much like radio stations do now.

A portion of all ad revenue will be used to buy products for regular giveaways, on a continuing basis. I will post more info about these giveaways on The Bore Site, in the near future. For now, anyone who registers before the end of September and posts at least fifteen times, will be entered in a drawing for a new Glock pistol, the winner to be be picked during the first week of October. This will be the first of many such offerings.

The new site gives me a chance to once again try my hand at building and growing a successful site and it gives me an opportunity to do some things differently than I did the first time around. I am looking forward to the challenge.

I absolutely do not want to entice people away from sites like The Firing Line or Glock Talk. I think there is plenty of room for more firearms enthusiast websites online and I hope to bring back into the fold some of the folks all of our sites have lost to Facebook and other social networking sites. I would love it however, if you folks would give the site a look and maybe add it to the list of sites you check in on. I hope to grow the site and add new features quickly. I believe it will be a keeper.

I thank you all for giving me a few minutes of your time to read this and once again, I want to thank the admin staff here and Rich Lucibella for letting me post about the new digs. I met Rich a long time ago, when he was in the process of opening this site and he has always been an old-world gentleman. I'm glad to see this site continuing to thrive.
I always love having another forum to post on. I can only imagine how fast the boards would be if we centralized on the same site, though!
Banding together is probably the only way that site's like ours will ever be able to stand against the juggernaut that Facebook has become. I think though that having many independent sites gives them each a unique feel and flavor. They each develop their own personality, over time. In time, I hope to create something akin to an old web ring system, that will bring firearms enthusiast sites that choose to participate, into a closer orbit. It is an idea I've been kicking around for a while now.

I've got plenty on my plate for the time being though, growing my fledgling site. It is a much more difficult proposition to build and grow a site like this today, than it was when I started GT. I've got a lot of experience now that I didn't have then. Hopefully, that will help even the playing field.

Thanks for your feedback. Eric
DonnonGT said:
Banding together is probably the only way that site's like ours will ever be able to stand against the juggernaut that Facebook has become.
Perhaps I'm perceptually challenged, but I fail to see how further fragmenting the firearms owners' community by creating yet another web forum -- on top of the uncounted myriad of "gun" forums that are already out there -- in any way helps us to "band together."
Perhaps I'm perceptually challenged, but I fail to see how further fragmenting the firearms owners' community by creating yet another web forum -- on top of the uncounted myriad of "gun" forums that are already out there -- in any way helps us to "band together."

Well, I think the very next sentence after the one you quoted explained my point clearly, especially if you read the message posted just before mine, which I was referring to. One large, monolithic forum would be powerful, but it would lack the unique qualities and individual flavor that the myriad of gun forum sites out there have. Variety is the spice of life.

FWIW, there may be a large number of firearms enthusiast forum sites out there, but there are only a handful that matter. I built one of them. This site is certainly another. Only time will tell if the site I am building now will one day count among those few. I hope so, but it will be a struggle to get it there. If people didn't try to build a better mouse trap because there were already plenty of other people doing so, this country would not have gone very far. Thanks for your feedback. Eric
DonnonGT said:
Banding together is probably the only way that site's like ours will ever be able to stand against the juggernaut that Facebook has become. I think though that having many independent sites gives them each a unique feel and flavor. They each develop their own personality, over time. In time, I hope to create something akin to an old web ring system, that will bring firearms enthusiast sites that choose to participate, into a closer orbit. It is an idea I've been kicking around for a while now.


A range of individually run sites has quite a few virtues. Good luck on yours.

A range of individually run sites has quite a few virtues. Good luck on yours. is a hell of an operation. I've watched their progress for years and been impressed by what they have accomplished. Thanks for the good luck wish. I imagine we will need it.:) Eric
Sign-up is non-responsive. Try again tomorrow one last time.

Hello. I'm not sure I understand. We've had a couple dozen people register today.

Could you do me a favor and go to the following link: and let me know what sort of trouble you encountered? It would only take a moment. If there is a problem, I'd like to know so I can track it down and I'd hate to miss getting a new member signed up. If need be, I could register you manually and send you your account info.

Please do use the contact form on my site though. It was very nice of Rich and the staff here to allow me to post this thread. I don't want to impose on their generosity by transacting my site's member support here.

I appreciate the feedback and please do shoot me a quick message. I'll get you fixed up. Eric